Konark Essays

  • Hate Speech Meaning

    930 Words  | 4 Pages

    of the people. One should not consider that Indian judiciary is as free as American judiciary. In the case of Raj Kapoor vs. State it was stated that “‘The world’s greatest paintings, sculptures, songs and dances, India’s lustrous heritage, the Konarks and Khajurahos, lofty epics, luscious in patches, may be asphyxiated by law, if prudes and prigs and State

  • Gods In Hindu Religion

    1497 Words  | 6 Pages

    The details of the nine planetary gods in Hindu religion are given below: 1. Lord Surya – The Sun God Surya is the chief, the solar deity, one of the Adityas, son of Kashyapa and one of his wives Aditi, of Indra, or of Dyaus Pita. Lord Surya or the Sun God occupies the central place amongst the navagrahas facing the east. Also known as Ravi, Surya is the Lord of ‘Simha Rashi’ or Leo sign in Zodiac. Surya’s vahana is a chariot drawn by seven horses. The seven horses represent the seven colors of

  • Discrimination In The LGBT Community

    1754 Words  | 8 Pages

    LGBT is shorthand for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. The LGB in this shorthand refers to different sexual orientations. Sexual orientation is defined as an often enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions of men to women or women to men (heterosexual), of women to women or men to men (homosexual), or by men or women to both sexes (bisexual). It also refers to an individual’s sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, related behaviors and membership

  • Sorcery In Tantra

    2029 Words  | 9 Pages

    I do have my respect for Tantra yet personally I do not like the approaches of Tantra and this I know for certain that at any stage of my life I could never really accept them. But the kind of work that I am doing now raises a lot of eyebrows and people believe that probably I am a follower of Tantra. Interestingly, so much have already been done and said about Tantra that for the common people it becomes absurd to think beyond the realms of Tantra, as if this has got into their nerves and genes

  • Gender Oppression In A Temporary Matter

    2298 Words  | 10 Pages

    This gender bias is not just limited to theoretical level, but it prevails in every aspect of society women are seen and treated as subordinate to men. Women's place in family, the basic institution of society, is always seen as secondary and marginalized. Traditional family institutions set men as head of the family whereas women are designed to play secondary roles of house-keeping and child rearing. As it happens in most of the Hindu culture where men are always entitled to authority and allowed