Legal terms Essays

  • Literal Rule

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    A rail worker was oiling the track when he was killed; no ‘stopping man’ has been provided. Under a statute, compensation was given to workers who were “replacing or relaying” track but there was no statute to cover workers that were oiling a track. By applying the Literal rule no compensation was given to the family. This case is an example of how the literal rule can lead to an unjust conclusion. Because the act was interpreted by using the literal rule there was no ambiguity in the words of the

  • How Did Dave Violated The Law Under Section 352

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    foot tall guy, therefore she jumped out of the window and broke her ankle. Under the section 352 of the penal code, it also says that unless the defendant actions are caused by grave and sudden provocation, he shall be punished with a fine or a jail term or both. In Dave’s case, there is no grave and sudden provocation in my opinion as he has the time to follow May upstairs. Similar to R v Roberts (1971), the court held that the defendant’s actions were foreseeable

  • Summary Of Australian Competition And Consumer Commission V Ticketek

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    Australian Competition & Consumer Commission v Ticketek Pty Ltd (2011) Nature of the Case and the central legal issue Australian Competition and consumer law (ACCC) held proceedings in 2011 against Ticketek Pty Ltd at the Federal Court for contravening with Section 46 of the Trade Practices Act now known as the Competition & Consumer Act (2010) at four instances. Tickettek was alleged for deterring or preventing Lasttix from engaging in competitive conduct in the ticketing related services market

  • Role Of Dogs In Law Enforcement

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    In the police force, humans are not the only ones putting their lives on the line to protect the rights of average citizens. Another creature that helps police officers with their jobs is dogs. Dogs have been used by humans for police work for a very long time. To some people, it should be normal to use dogs in police work. To other people, using dogs in law enforcement is wrong in many ways. But through all the reasons that both sides state, it is safe to say that dogs should be continued to be

  • Importance Of Family Involvement In School

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    Earnest Joone N. Lagrito English 27B Title Parent support in school for children’s academic performance Thesis Parent involvement as a positive effect on children’s academic performance. Introduction There have been numerous ways discovered and understood by modern society unto how different families give and show support to their children, in this study the researcher seeks to undermine a specific support that is given to children, especially in their academic progress. The researcher in this study

  • Importance Of Dogs In The Police

    806 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the police force, humans are not the only ones putting their lives on the line to protect the rights of average citizens. Another creature that helps police officers with their jobs is dogs. Dogs have been used by humans for police work for a very long time. To some people, it should be normal to use dogs in police work. To other people, using dogs in law enforcement is wrong in many ways. But through all the reasons that both sides state, it is safe to say that dogs should be continued to be

  • Essay On Bail Bonds

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    felonies. In so doing the court can make an informed decision on whether to let the suspects out on bail while the bail bond company can evaluate the reliability in paying back the bond money. In general therefore, the bail bod company is your legal solution while you face pending court hearings. They are available in most parts of Orlando and are committed to providing a stress free transition for both the client and their families by providing the assurance that none of the client’s rights are

  • Nolan-Pryor Case Analysis

    1211 Words  | 5 Pages

    Issue Does Dr. Nolan-Pryor have a civil cause of action for negligent infliction of emotional distress (NIED) as a bystander against Santiago Adler? Brief Answer Probably no. Dr. Nolan-Pryor did not establish a high enough level of certainty regarding her husband’s involvement in the collision or his injuries due to the accident in order to satisfy the “contemporaneous awareness” element of a bystander claim. Facts On Friday, September 4, 2015, approximately at 3:00 PM, Dr. Melanie Nolan-Pryor

  • Ethicon Endo Surgery Case Summary

    271 Words  | 2 Pages

    Defendant Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. (“EES”) hereby files this Memorandum of Law in Support of its Motion to Exclude Dr. J. Kevin Croston’s Marketing and Manufacturing Opinions. In support thereof, EES would respectfully show the Court the following: I. BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY Plaintiff Susan Webb filed this product liability suit against EES seeking damages for injuries sustained on July 29, 2009, as a result of an allegedly defective TX60B surgical stapler (“TX stapler”) used during a surgery

  • Alvarez & Marshal Summary

    1637 Words  | 7 Pages

    In preparing to take on a new client Alvarez & Marshal (A&M), we must first examine the prior history of their case. In Laduzinski v. Alvarez & Marshal, the plaintiff is seeking damages for being fraudulently induced into leaving his employment at J.P. Morgan and accepting the defendant’s offer of employment based on misrepresentations of the job made to him. Laduzinski claims that instead of managing the “sizable workload” that A&M highlighted in his contract, he was instead asked to hand over his

  • Jewelry Wholesale V. Jennifer Lawson For Breach Of Contract

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    Memorandum To: Attorney of Jennifer Lawson From: Jackson Biegler Date: October 7, 2017 Re: Greene’s Jewelry Wholesale v. Jennifer Lawson for Breach of Contract Application of the Law to the Facts Greene’s defense should build its case around precedence and law while being shielded by public policy. Greene’s defensive position is precise and to the point, as Greene’s is in the process of suing Ms. Lawson for her part in breach of confidentiality for contacting Howell shortly after being fired from

  • How Does The Use Of Victim Impact Statements In The Capital Court Case

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    The court case I chose to outline is Payne v. Tennessee. This particular case deals with the use of victim impact statements in Capital court cases. The facts of this case began on June 27, 1987 when Pervis Tyrone Payne decided to visit his girlfriend, Bobbie Thomas, at her apartment, in Millington, Tennessee. Throughout the day Payne visited Thomas apartment in hopes of making contact with her, but each time no one was at the residence. On one particular visit, Payne decided to leave an overnight

  • State Vs Deanna Case Study

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    State v. Deanna Conspiracy Oral or implied agreement between two or more to commit an unlawful act Alma found Deanna searching in the managers office. Deanna told Alma that she was looking for keys to the safe because she was looking for papers in the safe. Alma told her she didn’t believe her and that she would keep watch for her. Her actions indicate they are both aware and agree that Deanna is going to commit a crime. Therefore, there is a conspiracy Pinkertons Rule Each member of a conspiracy

  • Dylan Hendricks Case Study

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    Good morning ladies and gentlemen. We are TEAM 1600 and today we are representing the people in the case of State of Midlands v. Dylan Hendricks. I along with my teammates will present evidence in this case that took place on 7/16/17. Your Honor, the victim, the complainant, Mr. Kerry Bell-Leon is an individual who suffered at the hand of the defendant who purposely and knowingly took an extension cord to cause the death of Mr. Bell-Leon on 7/16/17. Your Honor, the incident took place at 1999 Main

  • Poultry Corporation V. US Schechter Brothers Case Brief Summary

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    of 1933 as part of President Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and it was met to set fair standards for businesses when it came to wages, hours and working conditions. Once convicted the Schechter brothers went on to appeal to the Supreme Court. 3) Legal Question Presented: Did the National Industrial Recovery Act give unconstitutional powers to the Executive Branch? Yes. 4)Holding:

  • A Case Of Davis Vs. The Board Of County Commissioners Of Doña Ana County

    1375 Words  | 6 Pages

    1. What was the legal issue in this case? The legal issue in the case of Davis vs. The Board of County Commissioners of Doña Ana County is the acts of negligent referral or mis-representation. Joseph Herrera was hired on January 20, 1995 as an employee of the Mesilla Valley Hospital (MVH) as a mental health technician. Herrera was assigned to care for a mental ill patient undergoing psychiatric therapy and is a plaintiff in this case. The patient says while undergoing therapy, she was physically

  • Case Study: Mrs. Hatter Vs. Foods Delivery

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    Bruce Wayne Attorney at Law 303 Reims Lane Gotham, NY 25010 (888)-888-8888 To: Hal Jordan, Esq. From: Damian Allen, Paralegal Date: June 24th, 2011 Re: Mrs. Hatter vs. Foods Deluxe DISCOVERY The plaintiff, Mrs. Hatter, by and through her counsel, Bruce Wayne, and pursuant to rule 34 requests defendant Foods Deluxe, respond to the following interrogatories, requests for admission, and requests for documents. I. Interrogatories 1. State the name

  • Mr. Jacks: A Narrative Fiction

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    I woke up, seeing all black. I felt the rocky, texture of the ground. Next to me, was Mr. Jacks. “How did you get out?” I said dazed with confusion. “Um,” he stuttered, “I found a uh, soft spot in the forcefield, and um, slipped out!” he said, sounding impressed with himself and the lies i knew, and was suspicious of. However, I just ignored it. “Where are we, this is like nothing i've never seen before.” I said. “I don't know Kate.” Mr. Jacks said. I could tell he had been lying by the way

  • Essay On Tom Robinson Get A Fair Trial

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    THE INTRODUCTION Good afternoon, my name is Brittney Gruber, and it is my oppurtunity to represent the State of Maycomb and to serve as a prosecutor on this case. On November 21, 1935, the defendant in this matter failed to search, investigate, and document a crime scene. At the finale of the case, and after you’ve heard all the evidence, we are confident that you will return with a verdict of guilty on the poor investigation and documentation. THE THEME AND THEORY People of the jury, this case

  • Poverty Effects Of Risk Families Essay

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    personal experience, opportunities available for the members of the family, the cognitive abilities of children and their education and also the family leisure and recreation. The productivity of families will however be described in this project in terms the children cognitive development and education and the family