Legally Blonde Essays

  • Legally Blonde Symbolism

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    Witherspoon starred in box-office success Legally Blonde, a movie about a superficial sorority girl’s ascent to become valedictorian of Harvard Law School. Many regard this movie as a fun and light “feel-good” watch. While there is no disagreement that this movie is an easy watch, it holds much more meaning than appears on the surface. Elle is a kind, hard-working, and multi-faceted character, and serves as an inspiration to audiences. Further still, Legally Blonde, features metaphysical themes like fate

  • Legally Blonde Stereotypes

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    English 102 February 12, 2023 Legally Blonde The early 2000s film industry banked off of exploiting stereotypes for comedy, however, the wildly successful film Legally Blonde, starring Reese Witherspoon as main character Elle Woods, did just the opposite. The character Elle Woods is a walking stereotype for the dumb blonde girl, yet throughout the movie she accomplishes things due to perseverance that many could only dream of. Instead of succumbing to the dumb blonde stereotype, she faces it and works

  • Stereotypes In Legally Blonde

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    of their race/gender/social class. The chosen movies by which to identify these themes were created over the previous twenty plus years are, Legally Blonde identifying gender and social class, Trading Places presenting social class and race, and Get Hard pushing the bar with race and social class stereotypes. Commonalities and Chosen Issues In Legally Blonde, a 2001 comedy directed by Robert Luketic, the main

  • Legally Blonde Rhetorical Devices

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    Rosie Rodriguez Rodriguez 1 Mr. Vogt College Literature H 2 October 2015 Rhetoric in Elle Woods Speech from Harvard Graduation In the movie Legally Blonde, Elle woods who is played by Reese Witherspoon is a sorority girl who goes to Harvard to get her boyfriend back because he thought she wasn't capable of being a serious and smart person. She gives a speech at the end of the movie during her graduation and she speaks with ethos. She does this in three ways , she uses personal experience

  • A Hero's Journey In Legally Blonde

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    Sometimes people find the place they are meant for in unusual ways. In the 2001 classic Legally Blonde, Elle Woods goes on a quest for love but ends up finding herself in the end. Although she is a blonde sorority girl from California, Elle Woods completes her hero's journey by crossing the threshold and following Warner Huntington III, the ex-boyfriend, to Harvard; she stands up to Vivian and they end up supporting each other; receiving her boon by knowing the steps of a perm to win her case and

  • Legally Blonde Stereotypes In 'What, Like It's Hard?'

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    movie "Legally Blonde," directed by Robert Luketic and scripted by Karen McCullah Lutz and Karen Smith from the novel by Amanda Brown. This iconic movie tells the story of the main character, Elle Woods, a sorority girl who fits right into the typical female blonde stereotype of wearing lots and lots of pink and loving everything fashion, and her journey to win back her ex-boyfriend by following him into law school. At first glance, this seems like a movie that focuses on the dumb blonde stereotype

  • Gender Stereotypes In A Streetcar Named Desire

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    about a specific topic; it can open our minds to new subjects and opinions. How each gender is represented in films is displayed differently throughout the films: A Streetcar Named Desire (Kazan, 1951), Inglourious Basterds (Tarantino, 2009), and Legally Blonde (Luketic, 2001). Women are sexualized and treated as a minority throughout these films, but the men are forced to be masculine and prove their worth. In A Streetcar Named Desire, the women of the time were just getting rights and a voice

  • Ewick And Silbey: Film Analysis

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    the law” puts a perspective on how Americans have an opinion about lawyers. Through our culture’s portrayals of law through movies, media, TV, etc., we have this idea that lawyers happen to be either good or bad when in fact they are heroes. “Legally Blonde” and “Liar Liar” both display the heroic lawyer and provide us with how their demeanor affects the way Americans interpret beliefs of the law. From the past to present, it is difficult for Americans to consider lawyers as heroes when our culture

  • Self Reflective Analysis

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    Throughout the course of my time in high school, there were times when I did not give a class or an assignment my best effort, or others when I would absorb information only to regurgitate it when test time came around. I was always able to determine when I sold myself short because of a nagging feeling of guilt that would sweep over me once I had made the decision to not go all out. This feeling of guilt was my conscience attempting to warn me about my future endeavors, where I would be required

  • Why I Was Elle Woods Ideal For The AICE Program

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    As a young child, one of my favorite movies was Legally Blonde. I fell in love with the story of a bubbly girl attending a prestigious college and proving every doubt wrong. When I grew older and came to realize how hard she had to work to be a graduating student at Harvard University, I knew that I wanted to present her determination and efforts in everything I did in life. When the question posed “Why would you make make an ideal candidate for the AICE Program?” I was speechless and taken

  • Romeo Juliet Advantages

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    In spite of the fact that reading a Shakespeare play may not speak to most students, there are actually numerous advantages of reading Romeo and Juliet. Teaching Romeo and Juliet in schools will most certainly be helpful to students. The key advantages associated with the study of Romeo and Juliet consist of; students getting to learn about the way people spoke during Shakespeare’s time, the theme of the play being the ones that students can relate to, and the useful life lessons that can be learned

  • A Street In Bronzeville Analysis

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    The author focuses on the black and feminine experience of the black women in the white society. Her feminine identity as well as her radical identity has molded her vision of the city. More important was Brook’s objective treatment of issues such as identity Crisis and racism. In the collection of A Street in Bronzeville, the characters range from the death-in-life figure of a woman in Obituary for a living lady. The unnamed woman in the poem, a person Brooks knew well. As a child she was decently

  • Gender Stereotypes In 'Legally Blonde'

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    Daisy Trejo CMTM 160-3 December 3, 2015 Gender Stereotypes in “Legally Blonde” “Legally blonde” is a comedy drama, based on the book written by Amanda Brown, about a tall, blonde, blue-eyed sorority girl, Elle Woods played by Reese Whiterspoon. Elle is a college senior excited to take the next step in life, marriage. Excitedly expecting her college boyfriend to ask her to marry him, but he breaks up with her instead, saying that he has to be with someone more "serious" if he plans on a career in

  • Stereotypes In The Movie Legally Blonde

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    the movie Legally Blonde fits under the category of stereotypes exceptionally well, since it shows many stereotypes of women in the society. For instance, there is one scene in the movie, where Warner, the handsome boy is playing football with his friends, and Elle, the dumb blonde sits on the sidelines to study and distract the guys playing as she wears nothing but a sparkly bikini top under a furry shawl on her upper half. This example evidently portrays the serotype of being a blonde dumb. Throughout

  • Broadway Play Review: Legally Blonde

    683 Words  | 3 Pages

    ability to replicate a drawn set into an actual set and vice versa. I had also learned how to many sets in Broadway shows are made, their clarity, and their extremely fluent change; as seen in the Broadway Play termed as “Legally Blonde,” which had been about the journey of a Blonde girl stereotypically assumed as an unintelligent female, but as she pursues her fate she finds that you should follow your dreams and should set aside any barriers that may impede your goals. One difficulty I had faced

  • Persuasive Essay On Legally Blonde

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    The movie Legally blonde features Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) a kind hearted, blonde girly-girl who somehow manages to keep up a 4.0, while also being the president of her sorority; Elle is adored by her sorority sisters, so when she believed her boyfriend Warner (Matthew Davis) was going to propose that night her sisters jumped at the chance to help her prepare for the date. Unfortunately, the work they put in to make Elle look beautiful on her special night was for not because instead of proposing

  • Legally Blonde Musical Analysis

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    Legally Blonde had countless conflicts that the main, and even other characters had to overcome. Mentioned before was about a break up, that was a major conflict, along with her getting accepted into Harvard but the school felt that her over glowing looks and

  • Legally Blonde Vs Mean Girls

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    Legally Blonde vs Mean Girls Elle Woods vs Regina George, who will win? Legally Blonde is a movie starring a “dumb blonde” named Elle Woods, played by Reese Witherspoon. It is about how she chases her then-ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School in the hopes of getting him back. Stating the famous quote “Warner: “You got into Harvard Law?” “What, like it’s hard?” In the end, she finds herself and breaks free from the dumb blonde narrative winning her client's case. Meanwhile, Mean Girls is a movie about

  • The Expectancy Violations Theory In Legally Blonde

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    an expectation that is being interrupted or rather violated. Burgoon established the expectancy violations theory to dissect these types of situations. The expectancy violations theory can be seen in a situation displayed within a movie titled Legally Blonde where a video resume was submitted for the main character Elle Woods to be accepted into Harvard. She submitted a video resume that shows how she was not the most stereotypical or expected student for Harvard, but against the odds, she was accepted

  • Review Of Malcolm Gladwell's 'Legally Blonde'

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    carried a javelin, a spear, and a sword was going to win David. A lesson that was learned from the author is that you should never underestimate someone who you think looks weak. Comparing the story to one of my favorite movies Legally Blonde, Elle Woods is known as the blonde white girl from Los Angeles. When Elle decides to attend Harvard University people thought of her as a joke. Her roommates and parents didn’t see Elle taking the path to one of the most prestiges law school in the world. The