Phobias Essays

  • Watson And Rayner Phobia

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    A phobia is defined as a persistent and irrational fear of a particular stimulus or situation. The development of phobias is often explained by associative learning where repeated pairing of an unconditioned stimulus (US) and conditioned stimulus (CS) produces a conditioned fear response. Classical conditioning became the foundation of behaviourism, an area which focuses on how the environment and experiences shape our behaviour. Behaviourist Ivan Pavlov (1927) discovered dogs began to salivate in

  • Phobias In The Truman Show

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    interpretations of symptoms associated with phobias and anxiety disorders. The Truman Show, depicts a character who suffers from a phobia with panic attacks, as they are a response to one another. Phobias are persistent and unreasonable fear of a particular object, activity, or situation where having a specific phobia is a subset. Specific phobias refer to severe and persistent fear of a specific object or situation not including agoraphobia and social phobia (Comer, 2012). Irrational beliefs and attitudes

  • Phobi The Development And Definition Of Phobia

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    The word ‘phobia’, deriving from Ancient Greece, meaning a strong irrational fear, dreads or more informally ‘hang up’ of specific objects or situations. The word is named after Phobos, the Greek god who frightened his enemies. There have been and continue to be many studies on phobias, their development and also treatments used to help individuals overcome them. And I’ll be focusing on this throughout this essay. It’s safe to say that people can be trained to fear certain things and in reverse to

  • Social Phobia Research Paper

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    Phobia The word “Phobia “ which comes from Greek in the year 1786 brings the meaning of ‘fear’.The affixes word related Phobia such as Phob , phobo , phobic, phobism comes from Greek which is synonyms word for ‘Fear’.Fears are common and normals to humans . People who have a specific, powerful fear suffer called Phobia. Phobia is a fear , panic ,trauma, terror, fright , scared, fear of object , fear of situations or place . Phobia is classify as a activity mental health professionals as an anxiety

  • Examples Of Blood Phobia In Macbeth

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    Three to four percent of our population suffer from blood phobia or another related disorder. Blood phobia is the extreme and irrational fear of blood. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the symbol of blood changes the characters relationships with blood from guilt and regret for their murders which eventually drives them insane; reliving the murders in fear as the symbol of blood haunts them. The play starts as blood representing honor and how Macbeth is a hero but soon changes to symbolize

  • Analysis Of Snake Phobia Behavior Therapy

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    Video Response The Snake Phobia Behavior Therapy video taught me numerous new things. Examples of some specific phobias include claustrophobia, the fear of thunder, and the fear of flying (Smethells, 2012). Psychologist Dr. David Barlow is a director of The Center for Anxiety & Related Disorders at Boston University and also a pioneer in exposure therapy. His research demonstrates the amazing success which has been achieved of treating phobias in a brief period of time (Smethells, 2012). He is also

  • Lake Gibson Phobia Research Paper

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    Three Phobias from Lake Gibsons High school staff. We all have fears and phobias of a variety of things some more common than others, but what phobias do our dear teachers here at Lake Gibson have? But first, what is a phobia exactly? An irrational fear, a type of anxiety disorder, a phobia happens to 4-5 percent of the population of the united states. They occur in all ages, the most common age group is between 15 and 20 years of age. These phobias are caused by a traumatic experiences and are

  • What Was The First Modern Use Of The Word Phobia?

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    Phobias are complex if analyzed a bit further and have been around for quite a while now, however, only recently have people actually started to understand what they are. Phobias date way back to the B.C. era, to the ancient Greeks. The Greek physician, Hippocrates, wrote about it in his ancient works, however, the actual word phobia was not used in context until 500 years after, used only for hydrophobia. The term was actually derived from the ancient Greek named Phobos, son of Aries, the god of

  • What Was Sigmund Freud's Who Discovered Phobias?

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    coaster because they were too high. I hypothesized about trying to fix my phobia, and I could only think of one clear statement when I did. The understanding of the origins of phobias can lead to effective treatments. We need to start at the beginning with the history of phobias. The first example of a phobia came from a man named Hippocrates. Hippocrates lived from four hundred

  • Lachanophobia Informative Speech

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    When you think of phobias spiders, snakes, and heights often come to mind. Would you ever think to add certain items in your kitchen pantry to this list? Is it possible for someone to be deathly afraid of your favorite vegetables, drinks, or even pickles? Believe it or not, there are thousands of people across the world with these strange food phobias. Here are 10 unusual food phobias you probably didn 't know existed. Chicken Believe it or not, this common dinner dish is not too well received

  • VR Applications In Therapeutic And Rehabilitation Settings

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    and Taylor (2000) that involved the use of virtual reality applications for a patient with driving phobia. The patient completed three sessions of VRET, each being one hour. From one session to the other, there has been data of a decrease in peak anxiety. In the post-treatment assessment, the patient’s” phobic symptoms have diminished, and she no longer met the diagnostic criteria for driving phobia.” In addition, the patient’s level of anxiety and avoidance declined from pre-treatment to post-treatment

  • Definition Essay On Fear

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    of the risk of injury, Irrational fears are phobias when the threat is non-existent or out of proportion to the situation, like hydrophobia- the fear of water. Sometimes our brains have trouble differentiating whether fear is rational or irrational, Personally, my biggest fear is losing the rest of my family/ loved ones, at first, I thought this was completely rational Until I did some digging. Thanatophobia is the fear of losing someone, a severe phobia of dying or death itself. This is an irrational

  • Theories In Psychodynamic Psychology

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    Theories in psychodynamic psychology explain that specific phobias develop because patients have impulses that are unacceptable in their culture or social setting, and they attempt to repress these impulses. To be more specific, Sigmund Freud proposed that phobias develop because of an unresolved oedipal conflict. According to Freud's theory, an oedipal conflict is a developmental conflict that develops during the third stage of Freud's psychosexual development stages. During this stage, a conflict

  • Dunkaphobia Speech

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    worrying about how tall you are, trying to play basketball on a 5 foot hoop. Luckily there is a cure to this horrible phobia, when you are playing P.I.G. all you have to do is make all your shots. This sounds impossible but if you take shots you know you can make it won’t be terrible. Another cure is to never play P.I.G. again and miss out on all the fun. Either way this phobia is something you can

  • Essay On Coulrophobia

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    trust me in this you don’t want to try it. Most people find clowns entertaining, but there's definitely a group of people who find them creepy. What is a coulrophobia?!!. coulrophobia is an irrational fear of clowns This is a very common type of phobia and it keeps the person that has it away from fun places, like county fairs, circuses, little birthday party, and theme parks. Some

  • Personal Narrative-Sacrifice

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    my stomach. I literally have a fear of heights that terrifies me more than anything else. So why the hell am I standing on this cliff in Riviera Maya, Mexico. While in Mexico I understood that I had a fear of heights; however, I only discovered my phobia four years ago while at SJV fest in Brookfield. Upon attending the ordinary carnival, I did not expect that I would soon experience the most terrifying event thus far in my adolescent life. Strolling through the various games and rides only enjoyable

  • Summary Of Sing Unburied Sing

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    fear of the opposite sex, mentioning how uncomfortable she was whenever she talked to men. She added that she sweated and her heartbeats were unusually fast when she looked straight at their eyes or faces. I suggested a few potential causes of her phobia: studying in all-girls school, the patriarchal society and the forbiddance of young love in Chinese culture. All these factors isolated her from making basic and appropriate connections with the opposite sex in her adolescence, and she agreed. In

  • Dental Phobias

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    and some people only visit their dentist when they absolutely have to. But with a little bit of effort and understanding, you can overcome your phobia and regain control of your dental hygiene. To help you get started, the specialists from the Jeanne Rowland DDS dental clinic in Milton, WI, have put together the following guide. Why People Have Dental Phobias Some people are afraid of the dentist because of bad experiences they had as a child, leading them to believe that every dentist appointment will

  • Homophobia Definition Essay

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    homophobia can be heard and is used quite frequently. Unfortunately, it is not being used in the correct terminology. There are many different definitions of what homophobia is. If we break down the word we come to see “homo” means “same sex” and “phobia” means “irrational fear of something”. In the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary the word was defined as, “Irrational fear of or aversion to homosexuals.” In Bryne Fone’s book Homophobia: A History the word was defined as, “Antipathy to homosexuals and

  • Classical Conditioning Paper

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    Question 1 I have developed certain fears as a result of classical conditioning. One major fear I elicited was a fear of dogs. The phobia for dogs was gotten since as a child, I was always told never to leave the house alone. If I left the house alone, I would be attacked by the neighbors’ dogs as well as the strays that routinely roamed our street. Every time I would hear the barking from the house, my elder brother retorted that those barks related to how harsh they were and would bite anything