Poetic form Essays

  • Miracle For Breakfast By Elizabeth Bishop

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    influence behind “Miracle for Breakfast,” a sestina about the poor and hungry and their hopes for the miracle of societal change. Through her chosen poetic form of the sestina and inherent repetition of key diction Bishop conveys the social restrictions on the poor that render them unable to escape the strictness of poverty. The sestina is a strict poetic form which requires six stanzas, consisting of six lines each, with six words that are repeated as the last word in each line. Yet despite the restrictions

  • Poetic Form In Shakespeare's 'Romeo And Juliet'

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    ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Act 1 - Journal Entry 1 The Prologue What poetic form is the Prologue? And based on its description, list 3 things that might happen in the play. The poetic form is a sonnet with 14 lines written in the iambic pentameter, and based on the description we find that an ancient grudge will break to new mutiny, a pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life and civil blood makes civil hands unclean. The prologue mentions: love, hate, disagreement and death. Why do you think Shakespeare

  • Analysis Of Insomnia By Dana Gioia

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    “Now you hear what the house has to say…” This is the first line of the poem, Insomnia by Dana Gioia. This poem is about what happens at night when there is no one around and you are only left to your thoughts and the noises around you. This poem is a great representation of what it feels like to wake up with insomnia and be alone with only the darkness to keep you company. The language Gioia decides to use, fits very well in the poem. He uses descriptive phases like pipes clanking and water running

  • Critical Analysis Of The Poem Wings Of Poetry

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    Finally, the poetic voice comes back to reality, to his reality. The word “forlorn” (ll. 70) triggers off this arrival since the gap which separates deciduous life from evergreen life is “forlorn”. The poet, as a human being and a particular representation of Beauty

  • Richard Cory Poem Analysis

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    use various poetic devices throughout their ballads to add more emphasis in regards to the messages that are being conveyed. Briefly, “Warren Pryor” and “Richard Cory” both share a comparable structure whilst conveying two different messages through the use of poetic devices and varied plot elements. First off, it is known that both authors decided to stick with the traditional structure of a ballad. This includes the use of quatrains, refrains, simple language, and a monologue form of speaking

  • A Comparison Of Two-Headed Calf And Golden Retrievals

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    thinking about the past because you don't know if you're gonna get tomorrow. First and foremost, the poem Two-Headed Calf by Laura Gilpin makes the reader sit back and think, but it also evokes the reader's sympathy for the two-headed calf. The first poetic device that affects the poem Two-Headed Calf is cacophony. Cacophony is shown when the poem states “freak of nature, they will wrap his body in newspaper and carry him to the museum.” (Gilpin 2). This shows cacophony because of the harsh sounds of

  • Edna St. Vincent Milay Spring Poetry Poetic Devices

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    (24divellu@howlandschools.org) was recorded on submission of this form. * Required Last name / 0 Dively * / 1 "April/ Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers" characterizes the the sudden turn in Edna St. Vincent Milay's poem "Spring". The poem is an apparent internal conversation directed at the arrival spring of an unknown speaker who holds a seemingly contemptable attitude to the renewal of life that springs brings. Milay utilizes multiple poetic devices such as personfication and archetype to better

  • Billie Pott's Inn Poem Analysis

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    civilization from the seemingly primitive West. As the story progresses, Pott’s Inn is revealed to be the boundary between these two parts of the country, and the Inn gains the appearance of a city in a park when the two diverse regions finally converge and form a united front. Civilization meets primitivity, and the once uncivilized world becomes a “safe wilderness.” Warren is quite dynamic in his writing, as he shifts comfortably between the prose-like voice employed

  • How Does Walt Whitman's Poetry Affect The Works Of A Poet?

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    Iambic tetrameter quatrains, with rhymed second and fourth lines form the bulk of Whitman’s poetry published between1838 and 1850. While the diction in the earliest poems was conventional, some later poems were experiments in blending the poetic and the vernacular. “With very little warning, then, the I855 Leaves marks an abrupt departure from Whitman's previous style and an absolute discontinuity with the traditions of English verse” (Warren, “Reading Whitman's Postwar Poetry” 46). Whitman published

  • Sardonic Moodulation In Elizabeth Jennings's 'Inept Persephone'

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    speaker’s voice indicates that this poem can be read as a gently ironic poem about Jennings’s own poetic procedures, about the indecision depicted in many poems between meekness and commitment. The persona she creates is a feasible source for the unusual utterances she makes about the inept Persephone irresolutely moving between the two worlds, waiting for the precise “moment” when the symbol will combine form and meaning. She “would certainly hibernate if she could.” She would withdraw into the symbol

  • Poem Analysis: Petrarchan Sonnet

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    sonnet has rhyme scheme as 'ABBAABBA CDECDE ' which is named after the fourteenth century famous Italian poet ,Petrarch.The first eight lines all end in either rhyme A or B, form the octave. Whereas the last six lines end with C, D, or E, form the

  • Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus Poem Analysis

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    The poet Billy Collins is more enjoyable than William Carlos Williams due to his more advanced deconstruction of the poetic form and allusions to imagery of amazing events and people without ever going directly into needless, excessive imagery. Williams is more brief in his explanations, a talent few poets seem to have, but Collin's style is more explanatory. He will support his ideas extensively, where Williams focuses on reading between the stanzas of his poems, often combined with prior knowledge

  • Light In The Daycare Figurative Language

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    curiosity which I realized during my job at the Flores Family Daycare. In the poem “Light in the Daycare” I utilized numerous structural, literary, and poetic elements to convey my observations from working in a daycare. In the poem structure and form is utilized to create a poem that emphasizes the message about children and their perspective. The form of this poem is a Villanelle which is characterized by its six stanzas and specific rhyme scheme. This poem utilizes masculine rhyme and the traditional

  • The Harlem Dancer Essay

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    “The Harlem Dancer” by Claude McKay is a Shakespearean sonnet in its poetic form, discernable from the several formal elements it possesses regarding rhythm, rhyme, and format. It has fourteen lines, which are divided into three quatrains that are followed by one couplet. The quatrains follow an alternate rhyme scheme; the word that the first line ends with, “prostitutes”, rhymes with the word that ends the third line, “flutes” (McKay 1, 3). This rhyme remains consistent for the second line and fourth

  • Pigeon Poem

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    they move into the non-literal, or to faraway images, and often end up somewhere unexpected. The form is generally fairly conventional, but line and stanza breaks are often used to create a sort of unsteadiness, and the pieces range from long-line and prose poems to short lines, depending on what the piece calls for. The language is lyrical and myriad, ranging from scientific to colloquial to purely poetic, whatever the piece requires. Solie doesn’t shy away from unpleasant fact – there’s a dark undertone

  • The History Teacher Poem Analysis

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    Through the common use of poetic devices, the two poems share a common theme: innocence. Whether it is the losing of one’s innocence or protecting others innocence; the poets try to advised other with their words to not repeat the mistakes as their speakers did. In “Southern History” by Natasha Trethewey and “The History Teacher” by Billy Collins, the poets both demonstrate innocence through diction, allusion, imagery, and tone. The poem “The History Teacher” by Billy Collins describes a history

  • Figurative Language In Lolita

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    power of language in its most innate form. In the classic dark love story of Humbert Humbert, the pedophile, and Dolores Haze, the naïve child, Nabokov 's choice in syntax encapsulates the audience’s attention from line to line, readers only hoping to understand the complexity of a character such as Humbert Humbert. The usage of literary devices aid in building Humbert Humbert’s character in Lolita as his thought process and narrative exposes itself through poetic diction. Humbert’s twisted thoughts

  • Sonnets Comparison Essay

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    lover rather than the idea of a relationship, as 'Let me not ' does. 'Shall I compare thee ' deals with the idea of a perfect lover and the fading beauty of both women and the seasons. 'Let me not ' is about ideal love in its most perfect and purest form. In 'Shall I compare thee ' Shakespeare describes a lover 'more temperate ' than a summer 's day. Shakespeare asserts the opinion that the beauty of summer is nothing compared to this perfect human being. Shakespeare expresses the sentiment that

  • Analysis Of Luis Estable's Poems

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    range of topics and themes, and he conveys different thoughts and emotions between the lines. Such poems are found in his first published book of poetry Simply My Mind (Dorrance Publishing, 2010). Small book it may be, but Simply My Mind is heavy on poetic artistry and creative imagination. Estable’s poems enables the human mind to understand the deep things or mysteries behind many things, and through his thought-provoking and fun verses readers will get to assess their own feelings and situations

  • Anyone Lived In A Pretty How Town Analysis

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    “…E.E. Cummings experimented with poetic form and language to create a distinct personal style. A typical Cummings poem is spare and precise, employing a few key words eccentrically placed on the page. Some of these words were invented by Cummings, often by combining two common words into a new synthesis.” (E.E. Cummings). As stated by Poetry Foundation, E.E. Cummings has a unique poetic style, which is no different from his poem anyone lived in a pretty how town. In this poem, Cummings writes about