Primate Essays

  • Essay On Primates

    916 Words  | 4 Pages

    Prosimian suborder primates are characterized by their prominent noses and long queues and, in some species, by a tendency to lateral arrangement of the eyes. It was formerly included the Lemuriformes, Chiromyiformes, Lorisiformes and Tarsiiformes; these four show no characteristic justifying its session under the same taxon, so Prosimians are considered today as a group. The definition of prosimian in the Castilian dictionary is it is said of certain nocturnal primate mammals, small, with teeth

  • Primate Monkeys

    1111 Words  | 5 Pages

    Non-human primate infants are usually seen in the wild interacting strictly with their mothers. The research question I proposed was, do infants interact mainly with their mothers, or do the males sometimes carry and feed the infants as well? In my research I wanted to observe all species that I saw. This included White Faced Capuchin Monkeys, Howler Monkeys, and Spider Monkeys. The first species I studied was the Cebus capucinus (white faced capuchin monkey) The white-headed capuchin is a diurnal

  • Innate Primates

    1272 Words  | 6 Pages

    and Non-Human Primates Language is a form of communication and can be portrayed in many different ways not just vocalization, this is shown by those that use sign language rather than vocalization; these humans still have complex language but they lack the necessary organs or capabilities to produce all of the sounds needed for vocal language; similarly, some non-human primates use different interactions as language not just production and combinations of sounds. Non-human primates do not have the

  • Primates Evolution

    2064 Words  | 9 Pages

    Introduction The evolution of man has always been a controversial topic. However, no matter what your beliefs are the fact is that man evolved from primates. There is very credible fossil evidence to back this up. Fossils allow us to dig deeper into our past and give us an understanding of what life was like for our ancestors. Particularly, I believe that fossils of our ancestors show that we had to develop bipedalism because of natural selection and environmental factors. Grade I: The Lemuroids

  • Nonhuman Primates In Zoos

    850 Words  | 4 Pages

    Millions of years ago, primates developed in a wild post-dinosaur world and have revolutionized into the undomesticated mammals found in the subtropical regions of preset-day Africa, Asia, and South America. Primates are mammals that are characterized by having nails on the hands and feet, a short snout, flexible first digits, and a large brain. Almost all nonhuman primate species can be found in zoos all over the world. The condition of nonhuman primates in zoos are important because the mistreatment

  • Primates Persuasive Essay

    722 Words  | 3 Pages

    Primates like Apes have been serving humans against their wills for a long time. Apes have been sent to space, used for animal testing, used against their will for entertainment, held captive by exotic pet owners, being forced to live in Zoos, and eaten by people who view them as prestigious food. Apes are kept in cages in laboratories where some of them are even breed, born, and killed for the results of horrifying experiments. Many primates not just Apes are subjects to test experimental drugs

  • Primates Research Paper

    723 Words  | 3 Pages

    B. Primate Diversity All of our global biodiversity are important from biological point of view. But certain groups of species, which influence the other in the ecosystem dynamics, deserve special attention. Among these are the non-human primates- the monkeys, apes and lorises. Primates play vital role in forest ecology, as seed dispersers, seed predators and even pollinators. As canopy dwellers, primates play vital role of flagship species in woodland forest, indicating the quality of the forest

  • Primates Argumentative Essay

    744 Words  | 3 Pages

    you something? Have you ever seen a primate wandering in its own habitat peacefully? I bet the answer would be no. In this era of globalisation, many forests have been cut down, both legally and illegally, in the name of development. Yet, what we seem to not acknowledge is the fact that the very forests that have been destroyed to pamper our endless lust to materialistic luxuries is also home to many endangered primates. Allow me to bring it down a notch. Primates are a group of mammals that includes

  • Primate Observation Report

    429 Words  | 2 Pages

    went through several major changes throughout the Tertiary period that led to the flourishing of primate species and the extinction of other primate species. The plesiadaptiforms, which are not considered real primates because of the lack of key primate features, went extinct at the end of the Paleocene epoch. At the beginning of the Eocene epoch came the euprimates, considered the first real primates, whose features made them well-adapted to arboreal life. Euprimates had convergent eye orbits, opposable

  • Primates And Personhood Summary

    355 Words  | 2 Pages

    The article, “Of Primates and Personhood: Will According Rights and “Dignity” to Nonhuman Organisms Halt Research?” by Ed Yong is trying to convince the reader to see a different side to primates. The Great Ape Project set legal rights for chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutan. United Kingdom and New Zealand protect great apes from experimentation. For the Great Ape Project they are basically setting laws and higher standards for primates to me experimented on or held captive. Not everyone

  • Orangutans Primate Species

    552 Words  | 3 Pages

    The orangutans (pongo borneo) are mammals from primate group, considered to be very close relatives to humans, chimpanzees and gorillas. They are species found only in Asia, specifically rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo. Orangutans are 400 000 year old species and are considered to be one of the oldest, still existant primate species. One of the characteristics of these apes is their reddidh-brown fur, and bulky black skin. Physical aspects Orangutans have an enormous arm span. A male can stretch

  • The Squirrel Monkey Is A Primate

    309 Words  | 2 Pages

    Technical Definition: The Squirrel Monkey is a primate that naturally inhabits South and Central America. Most are similar in appearance, consisting of a white color for the underbelly, a black and white head, red limbs and a reddish-gray hue for the fur coating on the back. The Squirrel Monkey is very short in stature, reaching only around twelve inches in height when fully grown. It primarily moves around using all four limbs and usually grasps onto something for support once stationary. Squirrel

  • Are Primates Like Humans

    349 Words  | 2 Pages

    Primates have a lot in common with us humans, and with the research and studies that we have preformed we can now show that primates have become a lot more like humans. The lifestyle of primates are a lot like that of ours. Communities is big in the race of the humans and we believe that only we have developed communities and live within theses communities. This statement is not true because not only have primates developed and lived in communities but so have several other species. Primate communities

  • Primates Research Paper

    432 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Penang Island, there are two diurnal primate species, the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and the dusky leaf monkey (Trachypethicus obscurus). Both of these species are Old World Monkeys. The long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis), which is also known as crab-eating macaque is widely distributed in tropical mainland and insular Southeast Asia (Fooden 1995), belongs to Cercopithecinae family. They can be found in a wide variety of habitats such as mangrove forests, primary and secondary

  • Primate Observation Report

    753 Words  | 4 Pages

    Studying captive primates can help us learn not only how they behave, but also how they are similar or different to each other and humans as well as give us insight into the effects of captivity. This paper will be describing, comparing, and contrasting the behavior of two species of captive primates at the Alexandria Zoo, golden lion tamarins and howler monkeys, as well as discussing the possible effects captivity could have had on them. This paper will also discuss any human-like behaviors observed

  • Similarities Between Primates And Chimpanzees

    566 Words  | 3 Pages

    The order of primates include a wide and varied array of species, from lemurs to macaques to humans. Grouped by distinctive characterestics, they are also distinguished by clear dissimilarities. Both these aspects may be seen with comparison to chimpanzees and bonobos and to an even more marked degree in regards to nonhuman primates and humans. Each species possess its own specific traits ranging from physical to behavioral to mental that set it apart from its biological kindred while still being

  • Cattle Primate Observation Report

    308 Words  | 2 Pages

    differences in articular surface morphology of caudal vertebrae between prehensile and non-prehensile tailed primates. Articular surface is skeletal surface, which includes bone and cartilage, that makes contact with other skeletal surface as part of a joint. Variation in the morphology of articular surface can confer a greater capacity for mechanical loading, which is required for prehensile primates as they often use their tails to suspend their entire weight during locomotion. In this experiment, it

  • Essay On Non Human Primates

    1010 Words  | 5 Pages

    non-human primates and their communication abilities. With researchers studying this, it has increased the knowledge we have of the human language and the human brain. Among the ways primates typically communicate, the use of sign language between non-human primates and humans has come as a way to study/ form a connection between non-human and human communication. In this essay, I will be exploring the use of sign language by non-human primates and comparing why certain species of primates can learn

  • Human Primates Comparison Essay

    848 Words  | 4 Pages

    The biggest overt difference that one notices when comparing nonhuman primates to human primates is the loss of body hair in the modern human, to the extent even, that humans have been described as the “naked ape” in many contexts. The primates classified as old world apes that are closest in relation to humans are the Bonobos and Chimpanzees. Looking specifically at the Chimpanzees, we can compare and contrast the properties of the skin and hair between them and humans to get an idea of the evolutionary

  • Bioko Island Endangered Primates

    1378 Words  | 6 Pages

    Research Project: Primates Bioko Island is the home to several endangered primates, due to the illegal hunting and the selling of bushmeat (Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program). Bioko Island is part of the African country of Equatorial Guinea (Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program). The island is located 20 miles off the coast of Cameroon, and it is primarily intact forest areas with a few small villages, furthermore, the capital of Bioko alone, contains a population of nearly 100,000 residents