San Francisco Essays

  • San Francisco Gold Rush

    1969 Words  | 8 Pages

    It is an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco. It must be a delightful city, and possesses all the attractions of the next world” (Oscar Wilde). San Francisco, a city that is old in terms of culture, is evolving at accelerated rates in both the financial and technological industries. Historically, San Francisco has been the epicenter of several monumental events and natural disasters, such as the gold rush, the catastrophic 1906 earthquake, the formation of the

  • San Francisco Research Paper

    711 Words  | 3 Pages

    San Francisco is a city located in northern California on the tip of a peninsula surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. San Francisco was founded on June 29,1776 by Spain. San Francisco has a Climate very close to a Mediterranean Climate and there is lots of fog. Temperatures in San Francisco rarely range below 37 degrees Fahrenheit or above 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Over the course of a year the temperature typically varies from 44 degrees Fahrenheit to 73 degrees Fahrenheit. San Francisco

  • Harvey Milk And The Board Of Supervisors In San Francisco

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    On November 27, 1978 Daniel James White became famous for shooting and killing elected official, and coworker, Harvey Milk, and San Francisco’s Mayor, George Moscone. In 1977, Dan White joined the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco. He was against homosexuality and lived in predominantly middle class area that was particularly hostile to the homosexual community, because it was growing so rapidly. He often opposed his supervisor Harvey Milk, who was the first ever openly gay elected official

  • Is Ed Lee's Unorthodox Path To Becoming Mayor Of San Francisco?

    1209 Words  | 5 Pages

    Mayor Ed Lee’s somewhat unorthodox path to becoming mayor of San Francisco is an interesting case study into the convoluted politics of the city, and how the factors of race and wealth play into determining who runs San Francisco. The first item that stands out in Mayor Lee’s bio, is that he had never won (or participated) in an election until his re-election until 2011. Mayor Lee’s image among the San Francisco voters is somewhat of a bureaucrat, which becomes clear with even a glance at his biography

  • Compare And Contrast Burke And San Francisco Earthquake

    1046 Words  | 5 Pages

    dismantle even the most stable construction. They leave people without homes, destroy possessions. The San Francisco earthquake in 1906 left at least half of the population homeless. But people have similar and different views and opinions on this earthquake, and that is seen “Comprehending the Calamity” by Emma Burke and in Fred Hewitt’s “Horrific Wreck of the City”. In 1906, the San Francisco earthquake struck a little after five in the morning. The earthquake, at a magnitude of 7.8, shook and

  • Jack London's The San Francisco Earthquake

    487 Words  | 2 Pages

    Essay San Francisco is known as one of the most earthquake populated areas in the US. Since the state sits on a fault line, it is often victim to many quakes whether they be small or large. The essay’s that we read helped show that. Both earthquakes described in these essays are rather different stylistically, but similar in description. Both London and Twain are able to portray the earthquakes in such a way providing the reader with a vivid image. Throughout Jack London’s essay The San Francisco

  • Comparing Jack London And Mark Twain's The San Francisco Earthquake

    765 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the charming city of San Francisco, residents live their daily lives in peace and composure, but occasionally there are catastrophic earthquakes that divides the cosmopolitan city. In two different articles, “The San Francisco Earthquake” by Jack London and Mark Twain, the authors experience different earthquakes that would depict their knowledge of the modern imperial city. In the articles, Mark Twain and Jack London commonly use clear and straightforward stylistic elements to develop their purpose

  • 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

    842 Words  | 4 Pages

    In San Francisco on April 18, 1906 at about 5:13 am a HUGE earthquake hit recorded as a 7.7-7.9 . Damaging buildings from left to right. Many poorly structured buildings collapsed causing 500 million dollars in total damage (1906 money) translated to about 8.2 billion dollars today. It was recorded that most buildings immediately caught fire which trapped the victims, about 25,000 buildings were burnt down from the fire, a total of about 490 blocks.At around 8:14 a Major aftershock hit making

  • Comparing Jack London And The San Francisco Earthquake

    518 Words  | 3 Pages

    Compare And Contrast Essay In “The San Francisco Earthquake” by Jack London and “The San Francisco Earthquake” by Mark Twain I’m going to describe the tones, purpose, descriptions and how their relationships are similarly and unlike each other. Earthquakes are a very intense situation towards the environment around society as shown in the essays above. The tone on “The San Francisco Earthquake” by Jack London has a disturbed tone. Jack uses repetition when describing the terrifying and disgruntled

  • Compare And Contrast The San Francisco Earthquake And Fire Of 1906

    1120 Words  | 5 Pages

    The San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906 Imagine someone lying in bed, the sun has yet to rise when suddenly, everything around this person shakes violently, a thunderous roar deafens this person, the plates fall off the counter and break, furniture is being tossed around as if they were plush toys. He walks outside and see the surrounding neighbor hood completely destroyed. This is how the residents of San Francisco awoke at 5:12 A.M. on April 18, 1906 (Washington Times 1906). This earthquake

  • The Effect Of The 1906 Earthquake In San Francisco

    270 Words  | 2 Pages

    On April 18, 1906 a deadly earthquake struck San Francisco. The people of San Francisco were having a normal day but at 5:13 a.m the earthquake struck. It lasted for 48 seconds it resulted in the city going up in flames. Around 6 o 'clock the flames became more forceful and at 8 o 'clock they made their way into north beach which spread to the hills. The earthquake affected

  • Compare And Contrast San Francisco Earthquake And Fire Of 1906

    1126 Words  | 5 Pages

    San Francisco Earthquake and Fire or 1906 Introduction: The San Francisco earthquake and fire was a huge catastrophic event that affected the city people, the city as a whole, and the Chinese people and culture. Within the 40 seconds of terror, everything San Francisco was known for was leveled to the ground. How it affected the City This 8.3 magnitude earthquake ruined the whole city and broke the hearts of the people inside of it. The two plates that moved were the North American tectonic plate

  • 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Essay

    1098 Words  | 5 Pages

    The San Francisco Earthquake killed many - over 3000 to be exact. Not everything is known about the Earthquake but we do know a small bit, from Art. Paintings, Stories, Films, Photos and more. From these we know about what devastation was caused by the horrific events of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Two of the many ways we know about the Earthquake is “Comprehending Calamity” a Personal Narrative by Emma Burke, and “The Horrific Wreck of The City” an Eyewitness Account by Fred Hewitt. After

  • The Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

    747 Words  | 3 Pages

    of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc., so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas. When contractors frack they create manmade Earthquakes. At 5:12 AM on April 18, 1906, the Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake occurred. The rupture was about two hundred and ninety six miles. According to eyewitness

  • Why Is Jack London San Francisco Earthquake

    610 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are many different ways to see a natural disaster. This is easily seen in the writings of Jack London and Mark Twain on San Francisco earthquakes. In tone, focus, and the personal or impersonal nature of the writing they differ greatly. An earthquake like many things is a disaster and in his writing Jack london attempts to encapsulate the destruction of said disaster in his tone. He attempts to put it into perspective not simply writing on the buildings which crumbled in the wake of quake

  • San Francisco Culture

    496 Words  | 2 Pages

    San Francisco has always been a culturally diverse city in America. I would still consider San Francisco a gold mine as there are many intelligent people who want to create and produce the best new technology. The city has a wide range of communities ranging from the LGBTQ communities to the Chinatown communities. San Francisco hasn’t changed, apart from getting completely destroyed and rebuilt from the cause of an earthquake. The city is diverse and lively and it is a good thing that it hasn’t

  • San Francisco Research Paper

    910 Words  | 4 Pages

    San Francisco is a beautiful city in which more than half of the people living here come from different countries, states, cities, contents, etc. I have lived in San Francisco all my life and often come into contact with many people from out of state. I also get deemed a "unicorn", whenever riding lyft,, because their aren't a lot of natives that take lyft or uber. I get asked, so often how I feel about the changes in the city or about what my favorite spots are, that I thought it would be interesting

  • Technology's Impact On San Francisco

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    economies, they can have negative side effects. For example, one of these negative side effects that is having a profound impact on San Francisco is the unintended gentrification and urban renewal within its city limits. Big tech companies have placed much of their business in Silicon Valley not far from the city, and due to this many of its employees have moved into San Francisco.

  • San Francisco Cars History

    602 Words  | 3 Pages

    San Francisco rail service began with horsecar lines in the nineteenth century. Though reported dates of the fist horsecar trip vary, the first company to run horsepower was the Market Street Railways in 1860, followed by the horsepower railcars of the Omnibus Railroad Company formally the Red Line, owned by Gustav Sutro, in 1861. Horsecars only lasted until 1889, when Sutro converted the rail to cable; soon after there was a second conversion to electrified trolleys. Throughout the late nineteenth

  • San Francisco Gentrification System

    1090 Words  | 5 Pages

    Issue: Within the last decade, San Francisco has dramatically changed. San Francisco’s working class people and poor neighborhoods underwent drastic economic and racial changes from the 1990s to mid 2000s, resulting in the undeniable gentrification of the districts. San Francisco’s gentrification has reached a ridiculous new extreme, making it the most expensive city in the country, outstripping even Manhattan. The beginning of the issue was right after the dotcom and Tech industries started drastically