Sharia Essays

  • Sharia Vs Constitution

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    The recent argument about the compatibility of Sharia and the U.S constitution has sparked a debate that will not be ending any time soon. While both sources of Law are meant for maintenance of law and order in the society, they possess some inherent characteristics that make them different from each on several fronts. From a critical analysis of the two sources, one realizes there are features of the Sharia law that are essentially conflicting with aspects of the U.S constitution. Fundamentally

  • Fiqh Vs Sharia Essay

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    and social welfare. This is why it is important to distinguish between ‘fiqh’ [the legal system] and Sharia. Sharia is a Quran-based guidance on how Muslims should live a more Islamic life (Williams, 2008 p.38); Sharia does not come from the state at all. It is philosophical and its human interpretation is called ‘fiqh’. Sharia is considered immutable and infallible but fiqh is changeable. Fiqh comes from scholars based on the Quran and ‘Hadith’ [the words of Muhammad] and it applies Sharia’s morals

  • Muslims Inequality Under Sharia Law

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    inequality under Sharia Law. Under the Sharia Law, women are not allowed to perform certain acts without having a serious consequence. If the male does it, there would be no consequence or the consequence would not be as serious. In Arabic, Sharia is defined as “way to the watering hole.” Meaning that in a difficult and harsh environment, following the watering hole path would promise survival and in religious text, would lead to a pleasurable afterlife. Although it says following the Sharia will lead

  • Sharia Vs Islamic Law

    1914 Words  | 8 Pages

    The interpretation of the source of Sharia’s is an instance that requires the most important examples that will result in the formation of a rational finding that can elaborate on the case at any given instance. Different Muslim schools that handle law have a different perception of the interpretation as well as the enforcement of the various elements of the Islamic law, and that is an approach that makes it possible to achieve growth while addressing critical instances of the venture. Ideally, there

  • The Pros And Cons Of Muslim Sharia Law

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    Some reports are claiming that we will soon see Muslim Sharia law in Seattle, Washington. The idea of having Sharia law in America has been a shocking headline in recent years, but in this case, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray really is trying to create Islamic interest-free mortgage loans so that Muslims can buy houses in the Seattle area. While some say this is a good idea, others claim the mayor is bending over backwards for the religious beliefs of Muslims. In a related report by the Inquisitr, the

  • Muslim Vs Sharia

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    different ways of life. In Islamic societies sharia law is practiced, this law sets harsh and strict guidelines on the lives of Islamic citizens. These laws control every aspect of their life ranging from religion to legal statuses. Both the western society and Islamic society struggle with accepting the opposing society’s views on life. It is personally believed that the two societies are not only unwilling but unable to peacefully coexist because

  • Right Of Diversity In Sharia

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    The Right of Diversity in the Sharia Prof. Wael Allam Professor of Public International Law College of Law, University of Sharjah, UAE The right of diversity means that every person has the right to live as he/she is. Respecting this right promotes and encourages peace, understanding and friendship among all persons in the society and between all nations and states. The right of diversity is based on the following factors: equality between all human beings; acceptance of human diversity and tolerance

  • Religion's Influence On Modern Western Law

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    known as Sharia law and many of the crimes in Sharia law are also laws in modern day Canada. “Hudud crimes are seven: theft, highway robbery, zina (illicit sex), sexual slander (accusing someone of zina but failing to produce four witnesses), drinking alcohol, publicly disputing Imam, and apostasy (leaving Islam and converting to another religion or becoming an atheist).” (Crimes and the Criminal Process). The Hudud crime of theft is also a crime in Canada, although the punishment in Sharia law is

  • Women's Rights In Afghanistan

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    cover their whole face and body; some of the hijabs and burqas are so dark that when they cross the street, they will get run over by a car because they can’t see anything through the thick cloth of the burqa or hijab. Also, in custody cases, the Sharia Law says that if the wife/mother tries to run away from the marriage, abuse, or kidnapping, then the custody automatically goes to the man in the family; that could be the grandfather, father, uncle, brother, anyone male. The women that have children

  • Explain Why Did Islamic Law Put Restriction On Dhimmis

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    York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Why did Islamic law put restriction on dhimmis (Christians and Jews living in Islamic lands)? Why is it obligatory for all Muslim males to be circumcised? Sharia could be defined by Muslims way of life. Muslims are to practice this religious law in their everyday lifestyle. Sharia law comes from the Muslim’s

  • Women In The Middle East

    439 Words  | 2 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Women in the Middle East are as diverse a group of individuals as will be found in any region of the world. However, they are often depicted in stereotypical, monolithic ways. What image comes to mind when you think of a woman in the Middle East? It is true that the majority of women in the region are Muslim and many wear hijab, or a headscarf, but this does not give us enough information about what they believe, their cultural practices, and the role they play in their home and community

  • How Did Islam Affect Indonesia

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    Indonesia went through crucial events in the last few centuries including the spread of Islamic faith and influence. The spreading started out from trades that happened between Indonesians and Arabians (Sousa). Religious laws and traditions have changed from the moment Islam spread in Indonesia. Architectural style and mandatory rules also changed. Islam also had an impact on Indonesia economically, such as on banking and financial products (Rama). Islamic culture expedited massive changes whether

  • Peter Witte

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    because it is supported by a historical personal biased background. This criticism is obvious by using the terms “distorts” and “bigotry”. In addition, Brigitte claims that Islam incarnates violence and accuses it to “supersede” any man-made law via the Sharia law. To respond to her claims, the author

  • Al Afghani's Influence On Religion

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    Al Afghani was the leader of a movement that awakened Islam from its ignorance. A serious intellectual, his journey started in his studies in Iraq from Shiite scholars. The school highly focused on leadership and religion and he became informed and highly influenced by other Muslim philosophers. By the age of eighteen, Al-Afghani was well educated in philosophy, science, and Islamic studies and traveled all around the world. His opposition of imperialism began when he visited British India, due

  • Alexis De Tocqueville: Democracy In America

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    cannot dominate for long in enlightened and democratic times" . In his book, Islamic Government, Ayatollah Khomeini, former Supreme Leader of Iran, offers a different point of view, arguing that the best government is one that is run in accordance with sharia law. Khomeini underscores the need for the union of church and state, and condemns all other forms of governments for being anti-Islamic and allowing immorality to reign. The following essay will evaluate the arguments posed on behalf of Islamic government

  • How Far Did The Rise Of Buddhism Influence Neo-Confucianism

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    such as investing, and collecting resources of many traders created a whole new aspect of trade. 6. Women had served as an undefined point within Islam, with the Quran supporting Women, while also supporting the role of men, in conjunction with the sharia. Veils were present in society and the rights of women had slowly regressed over time and misinterpretations of the Qur’an. 7. As in any religion and culture, the

  • Women's Rights In Australia Essay

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    The stolen justice Whipping. Beating. Stoning. No education. No playing sports. No laughing loudly. Basically, women are banned from being a normal human being. Let’s not judge Afghanistan by its country but instead, by the actions of some of their people. Is it fair for women in Afghanistan? Before the Taliban’s regime, women had more rights and freedoms, and they were surrounded with modern culture and influences. They were able to go to school, learn together with boys and had the right to work

  • Egyptian National Identity Analysis

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    result of this mindset that religious practices are communal gestures. This concept was explained by Shibley Telhami, who wrote that that while many Egyptians practice Islam out of faith, there are some (secular Muslims) who practice Islam and follow Sharia law because they have the right to do so (Washington Post, 2013). I also believe that this lack of separation has been a cause for much of the current turmoil and tension in Egypt. Many of the individuals and youth that are leading these movements

  • Democracy In Iraq

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    For centuries establishing democracy has been a great issue for countries in the Middle East. One country which has had an extreme amount of difficulties in establishing democracy is Iraq. Iraq is a Muslim country and unlike Western countries, has been ruled mainly by religion instead of by an actual government. Equality is a very important principle, without which no country can be purely democratic. Iraq is incapable of forming a Western-style democracy because of many social, political, cultural

  • Oppression In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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    it.” (Page 274). Rasheed entrusted so much into the Taliban that he even says “I, for one, will shower them with roses petals” (Page 275). This shows a side of Rasheed that could possibly suggest that he is a fan of the Taliban's newly implemented Sharia law and his actions towards Mariam, Laila, and Aziza However, the hope invested in the Taliban was immediately ousted like a panicked investor when his stocks crash. This occurs when the Taliban’s “message” was received. The message instructed people