The Animals Essays

  • Animal Testing On Animals

    335 Words  | 2 Pages

    There is a debate on whether or not scientists should test human products on animals. Not only does the testing on these animals do more harm than good, but also humans and animals are not physically and genetically the same. Testing human products on animals should not be allowed. Testing on animals can cause harmful side effects. Some tests are known for “immobilizing rabbits in full-body restraints while a substance is dripped into their eyes or smeared onto their shaved skin” (Product Testing:

  • Animal Testing On Animals Essay

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    aim of this paper is to analyse and compare cosmetic brands that are testing on animals and those who are not. It contains a first part about the ethical question of why companies test on animals. Secondly, there is an explication on what can be done against animal testing. Finally, the companies that use or do not use animal testing are mentioned. To conclude, a recommendation will be given on how they can prevent animal testing in the future. This paper only discusses different cosmetic companies

  • Animals In Vitro Animal Testing

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    Product scientists have a disregard for the nature of testing animals. Products should not be tested on animals because animals are not the same as humans, and the tests are cruel and inhumane with unreliable test results. Product scientists commonly take action of ill nature in testing animals. According to the Humane Society International, animals are forced fed, permitted little water and food, given major burns to study healing, and die through decapitation, dioxide asphyxiation, and neck breaking

  • Animal Testing On Animals Essay

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    are testing on animals and those who are not. It contains a first part about the legal rights in the Netherlands. Secondly, the attention is addressed to the biggest animal foundation (PETA). Lastly, the companies that use or do not use animal testing are clarified as well as the ethical questions of why companies test on animals. To conclude, a recommendation is given on how they can prevent animal tests. Legal rights in the Netherlands The right to test on animals or to sell animal tested cosmetics

  • The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing On Animals

    892 Words  | 4 Pages

    Animal testing has been used since the 1400’s to better human health and has become increasingly used since the 19th century. Since then, animal testing has become very controversial with the appearance of animal rights groups and the topic of whether animal testing is morale or not. Because of this, rules and regulations such as the Federal Animal Welfare Act (1966) have been passed to ensure the welfare of the animals that are tested on. Still, the question of whether animal testing is morale and

  • Animals In Wild Animals

    790 Words  | 4 Pages

    that polar bears, birds, and bees are specific animals that deem worthy of protection. Mooallem provides many examples of people who give reasoning as to why we should help preserve these animals. Mooallem uses these specific people’s backgrounds to show the difference of opinions between someone who has knowledge of the animal, versus someone that only adores the animal because of the animals looks. For instance, bears have evolved from scary animals that humans feared,

  • Animal Testing: The Reality Of Animal Experimentation

    509 Words  | 3 Pages

    Reality of Animal Testing Many animals each year are killed due to cosmetic and drug testing, biology lessons, and plain experiments driven by curiosity. Many are placed in horrible conditions, inhale deadly toxins, and have their lives cut short. Many are separated from their families to participate in experiments that in fact do not lead to medical advances. Many individuals are unaware of other alternatives. Many of you might disagree with me today, but I am here to present why animal testing is

  • Animal Testing

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    the animals at a shelter that do not get the chance to be adopted? In some cases they may stay there or move shelters. In other cases, they are given to research facilities to be used as testing animals, which is wrong. Some shelters will even charge the research facilities to get the animals for testing. Animals should not be used for research due to the fact that their lives are being taken away, there are large economic effects and the animals are typically innocent. With this, the Animal Welfare

  • Animal Testing On Animals Essay

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    heard about animals been killed because some of their body parts are so expensive that one might get richer. Recently, PETA organization has also reported, “Most leather produced and sold in the U.S. is made from the skins of cattle and calves, but leather is also made from sheep, lambs, goats, and pigs.” (PETA) I loved animals always. This kind of reports always made me disappointed. I’ve always had that question in my mind, can an object that is discretionary be more valuable than an animal life? These

  • Animals In Captivity

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    Right as I entered the gates of the animal kingdom, the sight of colorful birds, the sound of children’s laughter and the smell of the earthly animals intensified my excitement even more. Seeing elephants, tigers and many more wild animals in person had made my overall experience unforgettable. But as we begin to unravel the hidden truth about zoos, we begin to ask ourselves if it is ethical to continue to support places like zoos in keeping innocent animals in captivity. The ongoing controversy

  • Persuasive Animal Animals

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    so many great animals that are in shelters that need love and affection but everyone wants an animal that is a baby and a certain breed. Every animal deserves a second chance. If you were to adopt an animal, you would be changing an animals life. Shelters have a kill list to where the animal will get euthanized in a period of time. Animals may be euthanized because they are old or even if the shelter think they look unadoptable. Along with animals looking unadoptable or old, if animals were once adopted

  • Pros And Cons Of Using Animals For Animal Testing

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    people use animals for drug testing? People use animals for experiments for centuries. The first references of using animals in scientific purpose appeared in the works of the Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle in the fourth century BC and he “was the first to have made dissections which revealed internal differences among animals” (Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group). The Greek anatomist and royal physician Erisistratus was the first who started with experiments with living animals (Laboratory

  • Animal Overpopulation Of Animals

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    Animal overpopulation of companion animals has been a huge issue in the US for a long time. I didn’t realize how big of an issue this was until about age 11 when I noticed how bad they get treated when they are not taken care of. I am so excited to tell people how they can solve this problem. I have helped with this issue in many ways. I have 2 kittens that we saved on the highway, a momma kitty who had her 2 babies under our house, 1 cat that was roaming our neighborhood and 1 cat from a drive through

  • Animal Cruelty In Mark Twain's The Lowest Animal

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    "The Lowest Animal" there are few similarities between man and animal, but many differences. Twain also sends the message that animals are far superior to humans, through various experiments. The main differences noted are related to cruelty, indecency, and fighting, all of which put man below animals. First, cruelty is described as a trait that only man has, not animals. Animals will kill, only for what they need to survive, whereas man will kill for sport and enjoyment. Unlike animals, man kills

  • Animal Welfare Vs Animal Testing Essay

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    more. using the product is just as bad as testing on the animal. Think next time you use something, check the label! scientist use animals everyday to just test the most obvious things and possibly kill the animal. In the first place, some testing is useless because some things have already been tested and the lab had been testing on animals for no reason whatsoever. Based on the book,”Animal testing:Life saving research VS. Animal Welfare.” it says, “The testing that was done on shy guy

  • Animal Essay: Fun Facts About Animals

    705 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fun facts about Animals Fun realities about animals and other creatures that the children will love. Children love animals and they tend to recollect and remember facts about animals, if presented to them in a fun manner. Youngsters will love these fun trivia about creepy crawlies, animals, and winged creatures. If these facts are presented to them in this way, they stimulate and fortify the kids’ minds and leave an effect on their psyche as well. The facts on animals displayed here are one of a

  • Animal Cruelty: Animal Abuse

    1527 Words  | 7 Pages

    More than 7.6 million animals are abused, killed, and abandoned every year in the United States alone. This is a real problem that needs attention brought to it in order to solve it. Animal cruelty is when a person purposely chooses to hurt an animal or does not take care of the animal. It is illegal to be cruel and abusive to an animal but people still decide to mistreat animals. There are many reasons why a person is cruel to an animal, those include: the person was mistreated as a child and that

  • Should Animal Testing Be Allowed To Do Testing On Animals

    1212 Words  | 5 Pages

    For Humans To Do Testing On Animals? Animal testing is the use of non-human animals in experiments and research (Wikipedia). It is used to test drugs, cosmetics, vaccines, etc. to see if they’ll be safe, effective, and beneficial for human use (ANZCCART). However, there have been numerous debates on whether humans should be allowed to test on animals. Individuals who support animal testing believe that it is necessary for the advancement of medicines, as animals are the closest things to humans

  • Animal Roles And Relationships In The Animal Kingdom

    301 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cats and dogs are the basic rivals of the animal kingdom. We as people have always compared these two animals as enemies, but what happens when newly born kittens do not have a feline mother to nurse them, but instead a dog that has just had puppies of her own? The species in the Animal Kingdom works in many unusual roles and relationships in order to survive. In the first article, “Animal Roles and Relationships” it expresses that when a wolf pup is born, the whole wolf pack pitches in to help teach

  • Animal Testing For Animal Rights Essay

    415 Words  | 2 Pages

    or be killed out on the wild. Animals have that instinct to do whatever it takes to get food. The animals in captivity should be treated well, no harm of any kind should come to them. Domestic animals should not be praised as kings, it is they that could have the rights before lions & horses. Some animals should have rights & other should not. A reason why animals should not have a bill of rights is because it will end the medical research. We have used animals to test on since B.C.. Many diseases