West Virginia Essays

  • Essay On West Virginia

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    West Virginia Introduction Imagine a great place where great mountains tower high above your head. Imagine that same place with vast valleys filled with green grass and beautiful blue rivers that shine out at you as you are put in a trance by their beauty. Imagine that land with the warm yellow sun beating down on your back as you take a long relaxing hike. West Virginia 's hard earned attractions, many exciting features, and interesting geography attract thousands of tourists to "The Mountain

  • West Virginia Museum History

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    Some may refer to Point Pleasant West Virginia as nothing but a sleepy town for older people to enjoy their retirement.This little town that locals call "Point" has more than meets the eye. Point is full of rich history from Tu -Endie_Wei park to The TNT area. For anyone just passing through should stop and take a look around at this beautiful place "Where rivers meet". If your looking for a history incite The West Virginia State Farm Museum has plenty to offer. The Farm Museum located right a

  • Compare And Contrast Florida And West Virginia

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    West Virginia is a small eastern Rust Belt state founded in 1863, making it the 35th oldest state in the Union. Since its inception, the West Virginia state government has worked for its people to provide structure, safety, and order to its citizens. Comparing West Virginia to Florida highlights a striking difference between the two states, but with a similar result: a tradition of voting red despite most citizens being registered as Democrats. West Virginia’s state government is made up of three

  • Kanawha County Textbook Controversy Of 1970's West Virginia

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    Kelis Guzmán Mr. Rodriguez American Literature 19 June, 2023 1970’s West Virginia During the 1970's West Virginia was known for its scenic mountain beauty, as it is the only state that is completely within the Appalachian Mountain region. Hence its nickname the Mountain State. It is also known for its outdoor recreation, coal production and surplus. Most of West Virginia was composed of 1,744,237 people in total as this was a time of increase in population. The 1970’s for WV were extremely eventful

  • Informative Speech On West Virginia

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    going to give you many facts about West Virginia. Some of them may be boring to you but for me they are all interesting. I am doing this because it is one of the end of the year projects. I was chosen this state by a random name picker. At first I was so bored of it, but now that I researched it, it is actually very interesting. Now I am going to give you some real facts. The capital is Charleston, the population in 2014 was 1,852,994. The nickname of West Virginia is the Mountain state, the state

  • Second Industrial Revolution In America

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    One would think that those working in the dangerous mines—for such a public necessity—would be compensated fairly for their work, unfortunately the opposite was occurring. Large, privately owned, coal operators, such as those in Kanawha County, West Virginia, allowed greed to override their common decency, as they took advantage of the uneducated, and desperate workers. After many attempts of an amicable resolution to unwavering private operators, a tipping point shifted the balance for the coal miners

  • Suicide In West Virginia Essay

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    major issue among teens in West Virginia is suicide between the ages of 9-19. Starting in 2001 and ending in 2010 there were a total of 313 deaths by suicide in West Virginia. The biggest majority in counties of the deaths were in Kanawha County. Kanawha County has 43 people from the age 15 and 19. Suicide is the most common cause of preventable deaths for teens in West Virginia. In 2014, a total of 22.8 percent by ages 1 to 17, 13by suicides. Currently, in 2017, West Virginia is ranked 17th highest

  • Poverty In West Virginia Essay

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    West Virginia has a high poverty rate among the young population. Drugs, marriage/divorce, annual income, are some of the reasons these children face poverty. The number of children living in poverty is growing each day. A single parent raising their children has more of a chance to live in poverty than that of two parents raising their children. Nine percent of poor children live in families with no parent present. Many low-income families living in rural areas of West Virginia face tremendous amounts

  • Katherine Johnson Research Paper

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    children. Her father was a lumber man and her mother worked as a teacher. Katherine parents knew she love math at a young age. When Katherine was 13 her parents enrolled her In the Institute West Virginia. She graduated from high school when she was just 14 years of age. When Katherine turned 18 she attended West Virginia State College. She brought her love of math to college with her she took every math course the college had to offer. Many of her teachers horned her so they began to take her under their

  • Hunting In West Virginia Essay

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    West Virginia Updates Their Regulations of Hunting for Toddlers and Teenagers As per the news revealed by DNR, hunting license is mandatory for children who born on or after January 1, 1975. It is also mandatory for toddlers who wish to do hunting outside the boundary before their 15th birthdays. Safford, Alabama -- One of the most popular activities of West Virginia is hunting and its stands alike for both residential and nonresidential people. The news revealed by West Virginia’s DNR (Department

  • Benefits Of Going To Wesleyan

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    Ranked 12th among baccalaureate colleges Wesleyan is one of the best colleges that anyone can attend. Founded in 1890 West Virginia Wesleyan is a private school that houses 1,440 students. I chose this college because of the nursing program the Wesleyan offers. In 2014 West Virginia Wesleyan had an outstanding 84% passing rate, that’s more than half of the students in the nursing program. One of the many benefits of going to Wesleyan is the small classes, teachers are able to connect with students

  • Economic Disparity In West Virginia

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    Coal is king, it controls the economy, and many states rely on it for electricity. Yet, many families involved in the gathering of coal are experiencing profound economic difficulty. This must be resolved to improve the economic disparity in West Virginia. Many mining families experience this difficulty, due to health risks and job situations. “In just the past twenty years, air pollution from coal plants have shortened the lives of more than half a million Americans.” (Jeff Goddell, 2006). Mining

  • The Importance Of Coal In West Virginia

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    in fifty-three of fifty-five counties in the state of West Virginia, and it leads the country in coal production. It does have a negative effect on the environment, it is a major source of air pollution, but overall coal is important to the country. As an energy source we depend on, without the mining of coal the country would have an energy problem. We use coal for heat, transportation, and electricity. Coal mining is also a major part of West Virginia's history and heritage. Many people wonder why

  • Mash Up Football Research Paper

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    West Virginia Flying Mountaineers have a very magical mash up football team. MUF or mash up football is very complicated from Earth’s football. It has all of the same teams but the mascots play. They are very rough, and ridiculously weird. It is a very hard game to understand. Here on Jupiter, it is very simple to Earths ways of life. Also it is very alike, it is all of the same location and everything on Earth is basically cloned here. So back to the story, West Virginia mash up football is expected

  • Compare And Contrast Civil War And Confederate

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    in their battle tactics and their decision making. One of the most well known Southern generals is Robert E. Lee. Lee was known for his commanding presence, was a graduate from West Point, and led by example. Lee’s decision making skills were presented when he was appointed as the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia after General Joseph Johnston suffered from injury. Lee attacked the opposing side — Union Generals McClellan and Pope, and their forces—along with another general, Thomas “Stonewall”

  • Personal Statement: A Personal Analysis

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    I’ve always seen myself as an independent and driven student since a young age and I have always worked my hardest to be the best I can be, whether it was intellectually or personally. I’ve always put my time into reading, writing, and trying to learn as much as I could. From a young age, I knew I wanted to go to college, however, I never knew exactly what I wanted to do. I traveled between the obvious jobs of being a teacher or a veterinarian, but it wasn’t until fifth grade I had found a great

  • Summary Of Hillbilly Elegy

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    jobs (Hodge, 2016). With coal being biggest supplier of jobs in the region, the decline of the industry affected many people. Counties in the Appalachia region, lost large percentages of their population, the worst case was in McDowell County in West Virginia, which lost 2.2% of its population, leaving it with its lowest population since 1900 (Raby, 2016). There are many reasons for the decline of coal, these include: cheaper natural gas, renewable resources, and regulations introduced to protect public

  • The Mining Community In West Virginia

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    This mining community in West Virginia is “stuck,” in a seemingly intractable conflict. The native community members that come from generations of minors are rooted in a mindset of “mining” as their only means of income. A few factors that are making this conflict seem intractable are the interdependence of the mining community and mountain top mining (MTM) companies in the area, a deep history of mining, and the lack of strong leadership from within the community. All of these factors fall into

  • Philosophies Of The Civil War

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    14th, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth at a theatre in Washington DC; this was only five days after the confederates surrendered to the Union. Ulysses S. Grant was the Union general and leader of the Union Army. Grant was trained at the military Academy at west point, New York. He was a second Lieutenant in the army during the Mexican –American war, where he later went home to his family in 1854. When the civil war began in 1860 the north was losing many battles due to the lack of military training, due to

  • Advantages Of The Confederate War

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    Dominic Pagan Professor Smith AMH2010 MW 2:00-3:15 13 December 2017 The North had a decided advantage over the South, both militarily and economically. The North had a much larger population from which to draw troops, had a decided advantage in heavy industry to produce armaments and had the majority of the nations railroads which could move troops and materiel rapidly. The North also had a more organized government which allowed for efficient prosecution of the war. The South had only one major