Ziaur Rahman Essays

  • Jamestown Argumentative Essay

    1006 Words  | 5 Pages

    After the Spanish made some fortunate discoveries in South America, the English were determined to strike gold in the north, however, they would soon find out that this “new country” was not so perfect. In the Spring of 1607, about 100 colonists sailed to North America and created an English settlement called Jamestown (Roden 49). Upon their arrival, they discovered that Jamestown was home to some 1500 Powhatan Indians, and, because the colonists didn’t bring the right people to defend themselves

  • Sacrifice In The Maze Runner By James Dashner

    686 Words  | 3 Pages

    The book The Maze Runner by James Dashner is a dystopian/fantasy book about a large group of boys being trapped in a functioning society surrounded by a maze (with deadly monsters inside) which they’ve been scouring for two years, until Thomas came. Then Teresa followed him there two days later and changed everything. In this book, two very present themes are “Working together gets stuff done better and faster” and “Sacrifices for the greater good are always worth.” These themes are shown by the

  • Lord Of The Flies Chapter Summary

    584 Words  | 3 Pages

    Plot: Stranded on a deserted island, Ralph was the first one to walk the island. Founded by another boy, whose nickname was Piggy, found a conch shell and blew on it to call a meeting. There from the bushes the other boys gathered around, each between the ages of six to twelve. From this group emerges Jack, another one of the older boys as well leader of the choirboys, who claimed himself as a hunter. Ralph one goal was to get rescue, as he did not even bother creating the delusion that they could

  • Monologue Lord Of The Flies

    586 Words  | 3 Pages

    Simon and Piggy. They are both gone now, both picked up by the tides and pulled into the sea. I have no one by my side anymore, everyone has left to join Jack’s tribe even the reluctant littluns Samneric joined the tribe too. I’ve been walking around trying to find things to entertain myself for the past day or so, keeping the signal fire going so we can all get rescued. Jack doesn’t care about anyone but himself, he doesn’t want to get rescued, he wants to play around on this island. I received

  • What Does Jack Symbolize In Lord Of The Flies

    1428 Words  | 6 Pages

    Victor Hugo, a french author, once stated, “The mountains, the forest and the sea render men savage; they develop the fierce, but yet do not destroy the human.” In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, a group of boys crash land on an island and are left to a structureless society. The boys, at first, are capable of managing a just form of government, however, due to the fact that there are absolutely no adults on the island, they quickly stray from justice and overall peace. Jack is the origin of

  • Dialectical Journal For Lord Of The Flies Chapter 1 Essay

    598 Words  | 3 Pages

    Passage 1: “Where’s the man with the megaphone?” The fair boy shook his head. “This is an island. At least I think it’s an island. That’s a reef out in the sea. Perhaps there aren’t any grownups anywhere.” This is a passage from the very first chapter of the novel. The man with the megaphone is the man who was the leader of the boys up until the plane crashed and the fact that he isn’t there anymore means than the boys don’t have a leader anymore. Ralph says the there might not be any grownups

  • Maze Runner Setting

    493 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Maze Runner by James Dashner is a fiction book. The story begins with the main character, Thomas waking up in an elevator, only able to remember his name. The elevator stops and opens from the ceiling, a rope falls to him and he is pulled out. He awakes in a large glade and surrounded by teenage boys who also have no memories. The Glade, as they call their home, is run by 2 of the boys named Newt and Alby who enforce strict rules. Surrounding the Glade is the Maze, a labyrinth of high, ivy covered

  • The Maze Runner, By James Dashner

    1410 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Maze Runner, by James Dashner, is a book about a group of boys who are stuck in a giant maze that constantly is changing. At the beginning of the book, Thomas, the main character, wakes up in a metal box and the only thing he can remember is his name. He then is lifted out of the box and into a large field. There are huge stone walls covered in ivy surrounding the field and four openings in the walls, one for each side. The inhabitants of the field are about sixty boys, who call themselves Gladers

  • Analogies In Lord Of The Flies

    2042 Words  | 9 Pages

    Lord of the Flies dates back to 1954 when a famous novelist, William Golding decided to write a book which could show an unusual version of the human beings. Born into an environment where his mother was a suffragette and later experiencing World War II where human ruthlessness was at its peak, made him better inclined in to writing a piece where he could explain his readers how human beings react in different situations. The setting of the novel depicts a situation where the human behavior is rational

  • An Analysis Of Superman And Me By Sherman Alexie

    933 Words  | 4 Pages

    Life is full of doors, some are open and some are closed. There comes a time when sealed doors need to be broken open so everyone can reach their maximum potential and goals in life, just like Sherman Alexie did in “Superman and Me.” An example of Sherman Alexie breaking down doors is one of his quotes from “Superman and Me,” “this might be an interesting story all by itself. A little Indian boy teaches himself to read at an early age and advances quickly. He reads Grapes of Wrath in kindergarten

  • Narrative Essay About Speeding

    568 Words  | 3 Pages

    Narrative Essay #1 Draft #1 “There’s a time for daring and there’s a time for caution” Meaning there’s a certain time to do something (daring) and there’s a certain time to keep caution about it. TABI was sitting by a group of people, I saw a boy he had a gun in his hand, he had raised it up and down pointing at the sky and pointing it at his own head. A kid from the other side of the street yelled “car” and all the other boys that were surrounding him ran away from the car except him he had

  • The Legendary Buckram Laboratory

    693 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nathan.Schlosser Rowe acc english/7 John,Sam,and Joe were on a trip to the badlands to find the legendary Buckram Laboratory. It had grown to be quite dark in the cool autumn night . The group of boys decided to find a decent camping spot much to Joe’s dismay ,but as they were looking for a spot to set up camp they saw two boys walking on the same side of the road. They pulled level with the two boys to ask if they wanted a ride to wherever they lived,but before they even had a chance

  • Why Should Jack And Roger Be Held Accountable For Their Actions While On The Island

    359 Words  | 2 Pages

    Why should Jack and Roger be held accountable for their actions while on the island? On the island, there are a group of boys, Jack, Piggy, Simon, Roger, Sam, and Erik, they end up getting stuck on the island. Tragic events will start to happen throughout the chapters due to their actions. The boys should be held accountable for their actions while on the island. Jack and Roger should be held accountable for their actions due to murdering Piggy and Simon. Their violent actions should put them in

  • Power And Leadership In Lord Of The Flies

    709 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, it explores the ideas of power and leadership. During the novel, Golding uses the characters Jack and Ralph to portray the fact that humans have a desire for both power and leadership. In the novel, Jack represents the need for power and Ralph symbolises leadership. The terms of power and leadership are far different from each other, “power” is defined as ‘the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events

  • Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

    282 Words  | 2 Pages

    The launching point of my visual is the following quote, “’He must have had a nightmare… But there isn’t a beastie’ There was no laughter at all now and more grew grave watching” (28). In the quote Ralph is trying to convince the young boys that there is no beastie on the island and the young boy with the mulberry-colored mark on his face. The beastie is one of the many things that deeply frighten the boys on the island. In my visual I have drawn a huge eye, it symbolizes the ways one reacts to fear

  • Lord Of The Flies Chapter Summary

    481 Words  | 2 Pages

    Give a brief overview of the plot. In an attempt to escape War in London, an aircraft evacuating a large group of British schoolboys is shot down where it lands on a deserted tropical island. All the adults die in the plane crash, leaving the boys to fend for themselves. Ralph and Piggy, two of the main characters in the novel, soon find one another as well as a conch – a large shell; which they use to call the other boys. Ralph is chosen to be the leader; with another boy who goes by the name of

  • Lord Of The Flies Book Report

    529 Words  | 3 Pages

    A group of young boys were stranded on an island during World War II. The boys, isolated from society, dealt with their own war on this island. The two boys, Piggy and Ralph, found a conch shell and summoned the other boy to elect a leader. They chose Ralph to lead them, but they also chose another boy, named Jack, to lead the hunters and they sent a boy, named Simon to explore the island. They decided to light a signal fire to see if they could attract any ships. They saw a ship on the horizon

  • The Maze Runner Essay

    1325 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Maze Runner James Dashner is the author of the thrilling book The Maze Runner. It is the first novel in the trilogy The Maze Runner. The narrative centers on Thomas, a young man who has no memory of his history and wakes up in the Glade, a bizarre location. He quickly learns that he is one of several lads who have been taken to the Glade to look for a way out of the enormous maze that surrounds them. Thomas and the other Gladers must contend with the maze's hazardous inhabitants while they search

  • Dynamic Symbols In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

    582 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Lord of the Flies there is a plane crash on an island. Ralph and Piggy find a conch to call out to the other boys. The boys assigned roles together. Jack became the hunter, and Ralph became the leader. The boys built shelters and a fire to live, and the fire is to help to signal rescuers. The boys’ Tension rises when the fire goes out. The boys emerge into two groups, Jack’s group and Ralph’s group. Roger pushes a boulder and kills Piggy. Then the boys go on to hunt Ralph but get rescued before

  • The Kite Runner: A Literary Analysis

    862 Words  | 4 Pages

    Willa Cather, a famous author, once said about life that there are only really two or three human stories. Not only is there a very meager amount of stories to be told, but they have been repeated over and over again as if they were new each and every time. Cather’s remarks can be interpreted many different ways with different variations of the meaning being possible. However, when you break down most types of stories they can fall into the same categories of stories. There is really only two possible