The dawn of accessible AI chatbots and large language models has been fraught with concerns over data privacy and protection since the exact security measures and vulnerabilities of these tools have been rather complex to ascertain. More recently, Italy’s data protection authorities have indicated that ChatGPT violated the data privacy codes laid down in Europe and has allowed the US-based parent firm 30 days to respond. Interestingly, the famed chatbot was also banned temporarily in Italy last year over the same concerns, following which a detailed investigation into the platform’s functioning and AI privacy parameters was undertaken. Italy was the first Western country to take stringent action against the chatbot over AI risks related to privacy and data protection. 

With a detailed report now out, Italy has outlined that OpenAI’s ChatGPT violated Europe’s rather stringent norms under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These allegations are significant since there have been several questions raised regarding ChatGPT’s security and privacy features, which have fomented considerable concern among both existing and prospective users. Apart from Italy, other nations and firms across the world have also taken strict measures to limit access to the chatbot. This includes nations like Russia and large tech firms like Samsung, which banned the chatbot and instead chose to develop their own LLM models for internal use as well as commercial purposes.

Exploring ChatGPT’s Privacy Concerns

A man using AI on his laptop

Data privacy might determine the future of AI chatbots in the long run.

Italy’s data protection authority—Garante—commenced its investigation into ChatGPT’s potential breaches of the European Union’s data privacy norms around last year. Following a considerable period of collecting substantial data information, the authority has stated that it has significant evidence to show that ChatGPT is in clear violation of the union’s existing data privacy protocols. This points to broader concerns about ChatGPT’s privacy practices and the implications they hold for the tech sector at large. Moreover, the recent concerns surrounding jailbreaks in AI chatbots as well as their potential to hallucinate and provide biased responses might also play into the overall concerns over the disadvantages of artificial intelligence and machine learning. That being said, as chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard grow in popularity, they are bound to come under a greater deal of scrutiny from regulatory authorities. 

Although there have been laws governing AI chatbots, judicial and policymaking experts still don’t fully understand some aspects of AI privacy and AI risks. It is important to note that key courts in judicial systems across the world have already begun adjudicating matters such as AI and copyright, but following this new development, matters relating to privacy and security are bound to grow as well. In the meantime, OpenAI has responded, stating that its chatbot and the related practices are in line with the GDPR norms and that it had already ratified all the requisite necessities before Garante lifted the temporary ban on ChatGPT last year. The consequences of the outcome of these events will not merely be limited to ChatGPT but will also extend to other competitors and famed chatbots like Anthropic’s Claude and more.

The Implications of Judgments over ChatGPT’s Safety Attributes

A lock made of neon lights placed in the middle of a background representing a computer chip

Verdicts on ChatGPT might set the precedent for other chatbots and LLMs as well.

Italy’s investigation into ChatGPT’s data protection practices might end up setting the precedent for more countries in the long run. Moreover, the same yardstick might also be applied to other chatbots and large language models that have been making their way into the market ever since the boom in AI production and subsequent popularity. The watchdog, however, has also stated that it would consider the steps OpenAI has and will take in the future to ensure data privacy and protection before making a final judgment on the matter. Interestingly, the regulatory authority had also mentioned that OpenAI had no legal basis for collecting humongous amounts of data from the internet for the sole purpose of training its models, making these developments possibly more significant than data privacy alone. 

More importantly, this is not the first time OpenAI has landed in trouble concerning matters of privacy, security, and copyright, with several media houses accusing the chatbot of having used their copyrighted content without the requisite permissions. As Italy’s Garante awaits OpenAI’s detailed response on the matter, other regulators across the world are also paying keen attention to the goings on in this case. Since dedicated AI law has yet to be drafted, matters such as this will set the precedent for several future issues and cases. Following the launch of GPT-4 Turbo, OpenAI has also adopted a policy of offering indemnity to its customers who end up facing copyright infringement charges. This has already been in practice with other AI firms, such as Google, which offer similar protection to their customers.

The Importance of ChatGPT’s Safety and Data Practices

A hooded man placing his palm on an authentication device while holding a laptop in his other hand

Enhanced transparency is required to secure the future of AI in the broader market.

ChatGPT has become the world’s leading AI chatbot, not only among interested enthusiasts but also among corporate clients who have begun incorporating LLMs and AI chatbots into their workflows. That being said, several sensitive data points might be collected from users in the course of their usage. While ChatGPT does state that it does not share the information with third parties, it is important to understand the exact method by which language models work to ascertain the nature of data utilization. Given that society is still in the early stages of adopting AI on a large scale, initial concerted efforts to implement AI safety and the implementation of responsible AI practices will pay off dividends in the long run.



1. Why has Italy’s data protection authority questioned OpenAI?

Garante, Italy’s data protection and regulatory body, has questioned OpenAI over considerable evidence denoting the firm’s chatbot—ChatGPT—having breached Europe’s privacy norms. 

2. Are conversations with ChatGPT private?

While conversations with the chatbot are indeed kept private, they might be used to train the underlying LLM and enhance the quality of its responses in future conversations.

3. Does ChatGPT store data?

Yes, ChatGPT does store data and uses some of it for the training of its language models. It also asks users for their telephone numbers to ascertain the authenticity of their accounts.