
7 Years War Dbq Analysis

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The French and Indian war, also called the Seven Years war, was viewed on a world wide screen. The war was fought between the British, the French, the Native American allies, and the colonists. Prior to the war, mostly everything east of the Mississippi River was claimed by either the French or British. The French and Indian war vastly influenced and altered the political, economic, and ideological relations between Britain and its colonies by imposing taxes and regulations unfairly towards the colonies. Which caused the colonists to change their ideology from toleration to resentment toward Britain. Politically, the war caused certain limitations towards the colonists from the British empire. Economically, the British passed acts that imposed …show more content…

These acts were put into place in order to obtain the money to protect the colonists. “This revenue is … for maintaining these colonies requires a large revenue to support it. [Document F]” The Sugar Act was the first of the taxes imposed on to the colonists in order to increase revenue for the British. The Sugar Act of 1764 was a tax on sugar and molasses imported into the colonies which impacted the manufacture of rum in New England. The Stamp Act of 1765 was designed to raise revenue from the American Colonies by a tax in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers and legal or commercial documents. Many colonists were not pleased with the Stamp act. “As to the Stamp Act, tho we purpose doing our endeavor to get it repeal’d. [Document G, Franklin in letter to Hughes]” The Townshend Acts of 1767 were a series of laws which set new import taxes on British goods and used revenues to maintain British troops in America; and to pay the salaries of some Royal officials who were appointed to work in the American colonies. The colonists were not happy with any one of these acts that were inflicted on

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