A Daily Adventure Summary

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A Daily Adventure by Joseph Davis

One day a boy was walking through the forest. While he was trotting along, he heard a loud booming voice. The boy went to where the voice was coming from and found an arena the size of a fortress. While he was walking up, he saw a burly man lolling at the entrance. The boy saw him and tried to sneak by the man, but tripped with a thud. The sound woke the man up from his slumber. When he got up, he saw the kid sitting on the ground wiping the mud off his face. "What are you trying to do here boy? ," said the man, in a stern voice. "I was j-just trying to see what was going on in t-there," said the boy nervously. "Well if you'd want to get in, you either have to be a knight or have three gold pieces. And by the looks of you, you haves neither," the man said. With that thought, he picked up the kid, walked over to the hay stack nearby and dropped him in it.

While the man walked away, the boy thought of …show more content…

When he found one he went back to where the armor was and put it in the bag and walk back home. When he got home, his father was there, but he didn't act like himself. "F-father? ," the son asked nervously, but, no reply. He walked over to his father, but, it wasn't him, it was another man, lanky but muscular. "Sir," asked the boy ", where is my father?" "Your father isn't here kid," said the scrawny man ", he went off on a little 'adventure' he'll be back sooner than later,". "Can I go," asked the boy. " You do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't involve me," said the man leaning back in the chair. The boy went out back to get some wood logs. When he found a couple of logs, the boy cut them into foot long stilts. He attached one leather straps on to each stilt. After that, he wiped off the dirt from the suit of armor. Then, he tried on the stilts and put on the armor over it, this armor is terribly heavy, thought the boy, how can knights even

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