The God Of Small Thing Analysis

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The story starts in the set of Ayemenem, which is now a part of Kottayam region in Kerala, India. We see two parts of th story one is when the twins are seven years of age and live with their mother Ammu in Ayemenem after divorce and other part is when they meet at the age of 31, the same age when their mother died. There is a mixture of Malayalam and English word making it a new language and also showing the writers cultural background and not following the strict rule of the language, writing. There is a lot of politics involved in the novel and the writer is showing the society in Kerala where people are so well educated, and they bring up politics in between every small situation. The God of Small Things is a story about not one but many …show more content…

One can see the strongest bond in the novel through the relationship between Estha and Rahel. Estha and Rahel even though they were fraternal twins they always felt like one being. During their separation they always felt something missing in and that made one silent and the other empty. When Rahel was listing out the people she loves, she does not put the name her brother, because she was naming those who she was “supposed” to love according to the social rules. Arundhati Roy makes us look at the other side of “Love Laws” which shows us the love which is beyond those boundaries made by the society and traditions. The example of love beyond the boundaries of “Love Laws” can be seen in the relationship of Ammu with Velutha, an untouchable. This relationship is not accepted by the people around Baby Kochamma thinks “How could she stand the smell? Haven’t you noticed, they have a particular smell, these Paravans?’ she preferred “Irish- Jesuit smell to a particular Paravan smell”. This sinful love is not accepted, and this leads to Velutha getting murdered by his own father and Ammu being banished from the society. It is also the purest form of love we find in the

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