
Abortion Is NOT Ethical

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As quoted by Dr. Seuss, "A person is a person, no matter how small." But is there a limit as to when a person considered a person? One question and a million answers. This has been a dilemma for so many years, and there will never be a finalized answer, because how diverse we are in our opinions. To me, a person is considered a significant being from the moment a he or she is conceived. No matter how minute in size it is, a fetus is a living being, and it is ethically and scientifically wrong to rid the world of life. What is ethics? How do we as people choose our decisions on problems whether they are as small as chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie, or as big as legalizing abortion? And once the decision is made, how do we justify it? …show more content…

There is an innumerable amount of dilemmas being debated around the world, such as the morality of the death penalty, the ideas of euthanizing human beings and the thoughts on legalizing marijuana. There is also a vast variety of people in the world, who have different opinions on each of these issues or none at all. These opinions may develop from family or cultural backgrounds, but it is the individual who in the end chooses between the values that he or she has lived by or a developed view of his or her own. As Lawrence Kohlberg puts it, there are three stages of moral development: pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional. Pre-conventional can be described as the stage where opinions are based off of parents and elders. The subject does not exactly have a say of his or her own because it is not an individual idea. Pre-conventional attitudes usually last up until about nine years of age. The next stage is the stage that most people stop at. Conventional morality is morality based on being practical and adhering to social norms through this realistic approach. Most people stop at this point because it is how society has been built. Social norms have put boundaries on morality that …show more content…

Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, followed by the death of the fetus or embryo. Through this outlook on ethics, we look at abortion. As it comes down to when a life begins, controversy arises. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, followed by the death of the fetus or embryo. The case "Planned Parenthood vs Casey" was what gave an overall consensus for the decision on the issue concerning abortion. The case basically gave a general idea of abortion politics and how they would affect the laws of each state. I, however, do not agree with the ideas this case presents to resolve the issue, because to me, a woman should not have the "right" to abort a child. To make that choice is a "wrong," rather, since the child is to be considered living from the moment he or she is conceived. In the essay, "Morality as Anti-Nature," the author, Friedrich Nietzche, writes about how religious values inhibit other ideas from developing because they may be "radical." He also attempts to interpret the Bible, to "prove" his point that religion, specifically Christianity, is extremely literal about what they pose as morals. He does not, however, look at the verses that talk about being open to new ideas but not falling into their grasp. In the case of abortion, it is believed to be a moral sin by Christians, as it is considered the destruction of God's creation. It is like

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