
Analysis Of The Declaration Of Independence Dbq

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Over the course of American history, society has dealt with many flaws, and dilemmas. In Source B, it illustrates that Abigail Adams, John’s wife, wanted the Continental Congress to remember the ladies when they write The Declaration of Independence. In Source C, it rationalizes how slaves didn’t have equal rights as white men, and the petition is trying to give their natural rights back. Furthermore, in Source D, a miniseries that depicted John Adams life, given particular the Revolutionary War. This source allows the viewer to visualize the conflicts that the Continental Congress had, with the colonists, and the British. And finally, in Source A, The Declaration of Independence, displayed how the thirteen colonies declared separation from …show more content…

In Source C, it illustrates, “Nither can recap an equal benfet from the laws of the land which doth not justifi but condemns Slavery or if there had bin aney Law to hold us in Bondege we are Humbely of the Opinion ther never was aney to inslave our children for life when Born in a free Countrey.” This quote displays how there was no benefit of the law that the country they were in because they were slaves. Source C also provides how they lost their culture and cannot form a family. Children were taken away from them, and their lives were embittered. In Source A, it says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” This quote presents how hypocritical The Declaration of Independence was, since all men were not created equal. Although it says how these “truths” are self-evident, it clearly shows how all men were not created equal. In addition, Source D presents the viewer how Slavery was a predicament, so this lead Ben Franklin to convince Thomas Jefferson to remove it from the original draft because there was no solution to it. As a final point, the commonalities that all three of these Sources share is that The Declaration of Independence is …show more content…

The idea of all men are created equal is specious because there were Slavery, and women did not have equal rights as men. Sources A, B, C, D, show how the statement “all men are created equal” is hypocritical. The Declaration of Independence, from Source A, provides the reader that the Declaration of Natural Rights is false. In Source B, the letter from Abigail Adams shows how men had “unlimited power,” and women did not have the ability to vote, own property, or speak out in Congress. In Source C, it conveys how Slavery provoked unfair rights, embittered lives, and the loss of natural rights. Finally, for Source D, it presented the viewer with an understanding of how men treated women like King George treats the colonies. In other words, men treated women unfairly, and they had no rights nor liberty, therefore the statement of “all men are created equal,”

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