
Andrew Jackson's Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

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Jacobs decided to write her autobiography “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” in order to share the true life of enslaved women, since men wrote most autobiographies. She wanted a woman’s perspective and she thought she was obliged to write it because she was well educated for a black woman during the times of slavery. Her life and other people alike her had their lives greatly affected by Andrew Jackson and his political roles during the late 1920’s to early 1950’s. Jackson’s policies, politics, and societal roles during and after his presidency affected the lives of enslaved women in the United States between 1828 and 1850. “That, considering the progress of State authorities in this country, the distribution and settlement of the lands, the organization of counties the erection of county seats and court-houses, and other indications of a determined course on the part of the surrounding …show more content…

He writes, “Compare your own language above, extracted from the Declaration of Independence, with your cruelties and murders inflicted by your cruel and unmerciful fathers and yourselves on our fathers and on us…,” (Walker, 3). Walker’s main focus was toward the white men who had created an active political and economical American society, but failed to go through with what they wrote on official documents such as the Declaration of Independence. Jackson, again, failed to accommodate the Black population with “equal rights” even though they were living in the United States. This not only goes against Black men but Black women as well, such as Harriet Jacobs. If Jackson and other predominately powerful white men during the era had truly followed the historical documents written by our founding fathers, then Jacobs and her family along with all other enslaved Blacks working on southern plantations would have the right as any white American – and be

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