
Argumentative Essay On Night By Elie Wiesel

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“The Holocaust is the solution to the Jews final question.” This famously known quote, said by Adolf Hitler, explains the ugly truth behind his so called “well-being”. Dating all the way back to the 1930s, Hitler was first brought to power becoming a dictator and leader of the Nazi party; however, many citizens under his rule did not know that they just set their country up for a major downfall. From 1933 to 1945 society in Germany was “doomed” as many had put it, and full of indifference. Author of Night, witness of the Holocaust, and a human just like anyone else, Elie Wiesel, shared his horrific journey about how he survived through the time of the genocide of Jews. Wiesel used ethics, emotion, and logic throughout his “Elie Wiesel-Acceptance …show more content…

As a young boy, Wiesel faced many experiences that should not be encountered by someone his age. He was only fifteen when his family was deported into their very first camp of Auschwitz by the German SS. For ten years Wiesel refused to talk about his encounters with the genocide (a decade of silence). He finally decided to speak out when he first heard of the people known as the Holocaust deniers. In “Elie Wiesel’s- Acceptance Speech” he states, “For I belong to a traumatized generation, one that experienced abandonment and solitude of our people.” Throughout his speech Wiesel talked about his thoughts and where he stood on the holocaust. Thusfor showing his ethics and character that he gained from his trauma. He felt so strongly for all the souls that were lost, not forgiving those who had taken part in this mass killing. He desired for people to make a change helping out humanity for the better. …show more content…

This speech was given to the president, Mrs. Clinton, members of congress, and more sharing his gratitude towards the American people. As Wiesel recites, “In the place that I come from, society was composed of three simple categories: the killers, the victims, and the bystanders. During the darkest times, inside the ghettos and death camps- we felt abandoned, forgotten.” This said, it was his appeal to authority which is where ethos comes into place. No one else had the right to complain about the Holocaust because he felt everything from the horrors to the monstrosity of the 19th century. Those three main groups were all that the Holocaust consisted of, now they are mainly perished and moved onto the better days of remembrance. Wiesel also shares what his peers during the genocide felt in this speech by exclaiming, “They no longer felt pain, hunger, thirst. They feared nothing. They felt nothing. They were dead and did not know it.” Saying this really evoked a response from people. Hearing of their suffering and knowing that all their hope was lost made it so much more real. Jews had no more rights as human beings, they did not have equal treatment, they were almost exact replicas to animals, and they lived like them too. The last thing that he expressed was the logic that should have been used during the genocide, “In a way, to be indifferent to that

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