
Betty's Reputation In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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In The Crucible, author Arthur Miller synthesizes a compelling novel that explicates the inconsistencies of the Salem witch trials along with behavior, hidden agendas, and desire. Inspired by the McCarthy hearings in the 1950s, the account shows what lengths were gone to in order to keep the standing of a group of girls. Various themes are clear in this narrative, however reputation is one of, if not the most prominent themes consistent throughout. Reverend Parris shows pretty early on in The Crucible that his reputation is important when he disregards Betty’s unusual behavior as something unrelated to witchcraft in order to keep a good face towards the townspeople. When Reverend Parris sees the girls’ odd ritual taking place in the woods he questions Abigail aggressively …show more content…

When Abigail begins to promulgate her lie, Reverend Parris is quick to stay on the side of the gun behind the barrel. In order to save himself, Reverend Parris goes with Abigail’s first victim to blame, Tituba. He, along with Abigail draw out Reverend Hale and the Putnams screaming to Tituba “You will confess yourself or I will take you out and whip you to your death!” (42). Even more so clearly, Abigail is the main character displaying her acts of injustice through accusations and dishonesty to keep her standing in Salem. When questioned by Reverend Parris about her redundancy to the Proctor household she surges in outrage exclaiming, “My name is good in the village! I will not have it said my name is soiled! Goodie Proctor is a gossiping liar!” (12). Abigail understand the importance of a good reputation in the town and opts to keep her slate clean while falsely accusing others. In combination of both characters and the overall picture being created in The Crucible, the power of everyone is solely by

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