
Bruce Davis Research Papers

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Bruce Davis
Davis’s role in murdering several victims was driving the manson family to the victim’s home and attempt the murder with the rest of the group. Bruce Davis was gonna be free but Gov. Jerry Brown must approved before the convicted murderer can be paroled. His murderers happened around 1969. Davis had been in jail for 43 years for they slayings of musician Gary Hinman and stuntman Donald “ Shorty “ Shea.

Early Life : He was born on October 5th, 1942 in Monroe La. He was the youngest of two children. He had a rough relationship with his father. He was an alcoholic. “ in my life with my relationship with my dad, I had been rejected by him as being good enough for him, I was always looking for acceptance from him and I never felt …show more content…

On March 14 1972, Bruce Davis was convicted for the murder of Gary Hinman and Donald Shea by a jury comprised of 8 men and 4 women. Bruce Davis was convicted of Gary Hinman and Donald Shea. Convicted of conspiracy to commit murder. He was found guilty. He was sentenced to life in prison. At first, the were gonna give him a sentenced the death but they turned it over to a life sentence in prison.
Davis has been on paroled 28 times. This all happened 44 years ago. He was not involved in the infamous murders b manson followers of actress Sharon Tate and six others in Los Angeles. Brown’s office received a formal recommendation from the state board parole earlier this year to release Bruce Davis, 70, who would be in the first Manson “ family “ member to secure freedom solely for good behavior. He is serving two life sentences for the 1969’s slayings of musician Gary Hinman in his topanga canyon home and former stuntman Donald Shea who lived in Manson’s commune at the Spahn movie ranch in Chatsworth.

Conclusion And Life After Trials …show more content…

A parole board then determined then that Davis was ready for release, saying he had no recent disciplinary problems and had completed education and self help programs. “ While your behavior atrocious, your crimes did occur 43 years ago “ parole board member Jeff Ferguson told Davis, according to the tribune. “ I want to try to make up for some of the pain and destruction I have caused “ Davis said according to tribune. Davis has been denied parole 28 times. He refuses to be out of jail because he still thinks he is dangerous to the community and to others around. Bruce davis is now 72 years old and he looks more like a kindly grandfather than a crazed killer. If you combine the current political attitudes that elderly inmates should be given preferential treatment in California’s overcrowded positions, it’s easy to see why the California parole board voted to release Davis from prison for the fourth consecutive time.
Davis became a born again christian in prison and ministered to other inmates, married a woman he met through the prison ministry and has a grown daughter. The couple recently divorced. He also earned a master’s degree and a doctorate in philosophy in

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