
Compromises And Decisions On Slavery Between 1850 And 1860

1681 Words7 Pages

John Jardine
Professor bishop
History 2055
12 May 2023
Question #1
The compromises and decisions on slavery by Congress and the Supreme Court on slavery between 1850 and 1860. Slavey has always been a controversial topic in America. Many different political parties were formed with different ideas on slavery. These parties include but are not limited to the Whig, Free Soil, and Democratic parties. America gained land from the Louisiana Purchase, Mexican American War, and other means. In these territories, states began to form and as they reached requirements for admission into the United States they would apply for admission. As these states attempted to gain admission into the United States the debate of rather, they would be slave …show more content…

One of these policies was the nullification crisis in South Carolina. The nullification crisis started when Andrew Jackson was elected president and southerners thought he was going to lift the tariff of 1828, which raised taxes on European goods and forced southerners to purchase merchandise from northern states at higher prices and caused European countries to have high tariffs. South Carolina acted due to their poor economic state and feat the tariff was a way into the removal of slavery. When Jackson did not lift the tariff, John C. Calhoun, Jackson's vice president write the “South Carolina Exposition and Protest,” which stated a nullified state may leave the union. Jackson responded to all of this by first replacing Calhoun after his first term, then stating South Carolina was committing treason and anyone associated with it would be hung, and the military would be sent in to enforce the tariff (Locke, Wright, 2019). One of the long-term effects of this event was the increase in the division between the North and the South. This event became very controversial for Andrew Jackson due to the extreme measures of action taken in response to the crisis, but his response was one of the reasons South Carolina did not …show more content…

Andrew Jackson had a history with the Native Americans from his days in the military, and the first Seminole war. Jackson wanted to remove the Cherokee Nation from land east of the Mississippi, so white settlers could peacefully move into the Cherokee territory. Therefore, the Indian removal act of 1830 was put in place, which allowed the federal government to move the Cherokee to western territory. The Cherokee fought back against the act in both the supreme court cases Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worchester v. Georgia. Although Worchester v. Georgia was successful, the government refused to enforce the ruling, Jackson attempted to remove and create a treaty with the natives but divided them and created conflict between the tribe. In the end, they signed a treaty, but many tribal people still refused to leave, and the Cherokees were pushed out of their homes on the Trail of Tears. Thousands of Cherokees died on the Trail of Tears from disease, weather, and resistance (Locke, Wright, 2019). Jackson's treatment of the Indian nation was a black stain not only on his presidency but in the history of the United States. Although few people were happy with the movement of the Cherokee Nation out to the east so white settlers could move, much of the U.S. was disgusted and enraged by this event. Therefore, Andrew Jackson's treatment of the terrible Cherokee tribe

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