Sources Of Corruption Essay

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Among the factors the occurrence of corruption is the weak leadership of an individual who is a selfish. Individuals with poor leadership, not self-confident and easily influenced by others to corruption. They are easily bribed with various luxuries such as property, money, position. Corruptions cause people to lose confidence in the people and the leadership of the organization. That is, society is increasingly individualistic and materialistic. Then, they can use any way to make money, including corruption. In addition, the sources of corruption which in turn is in terms of low wage workers, whether in the public or private sector has also led to acts of corruptions. For employees earning less and working in the city, they often face financial difficulties. For example, salaries of government support were approximately eight hundred to a thousand dollars a month, while the cost of living in cities continues to increase. Therefore, when there are opportunities for corruption, they do not think twice about doing it again. It would be good if the government or employers do some research about the amount of salary payable to the employee in the modern era. At the same …show more content…

Legal action was considered light punishment to offenders of corruption compared with the amount of corruptions that have been taken by them gave a negative view of the ability of our justice system to address this issue. Light punishment is said to be motivated to certain parties to take the risk of corruption because they realize they are still able to enjoy the corruption that they take it after getting out of prison. Indeed, weaknesses in the judicial system impose appropriate penalties for offenses of corruption in the country have given an incorrect view of this corruption to our

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