
Difference Between Enlightenment And Bourgeoisie

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The Enlightenment was called the ‘science of freedom’ for the rising middle classes, or bourgeoisie, of the eighteenth century because there was an increase in scientific knowledge in addition to an overall shift in public opinion that wanted freedom and liberty. The old regime was challenged both scientifically and politically, and the bourgeoisie found increasing opportunities for both monetary gain in trading and mercantilism, and an independent culture in the new social sphere. Scientifically, the old ways of thinking about the universe were challenged, and people had the freedom to do so. Rather than simply relying on Copernicus’s idea that the sun existed as the center of the universe and the earth revolved around it, modern scientists and critical thinkers came up with and tested theories about the world and the universe around it. Galileo made specific observations and proved that the earth does revolve around the sun, and disproved the idea that the heavens were unmoving. Newton discovered a multitude of laws and rules of physics, and takes credit for the idea of gravity, and in addition the scientific method became established as a way of discovering ideas and establishing rules. These and other …show more content…

It allowed for critiques of the old regime and old ways of thinking, and actively encouraged the creation of different ideologies and theories in order to promote social and political change. This became a form of political freedom for the bourgeoisie, in order to increase social mobility and slowly dismantle the old regime. This existed for the rising middle class, or bourgeoisie, as they were not a part of the aristocracy and were wealthy and literate, and thus able to devote parts of their lives to knowledge, science, and

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