
Discrimination In A Raisin In The Sun

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Throughout the 1950s, people of color have struggled with achieving their dreams due to the lack of equality that is portrayed in that specific time era. It has been a constant battle for equality for all races and genders over the course of time. In Lorraine Hansberry’s play A Raisin In the Sun the character Beneatha struggles with her racial inequality, education, and gender stereotyping. These specific struggles are the blocks she deals with trying to achieve her dream. At the beginning of the play, Walter is harassing Beneatha about her choice of becoming a doctor. “Ain’t many girls who decide to be a doctor”(Hansberry 36), Walter means that it is uncommon for women to be a doctor in this era of time. Especially a woman of color becoming a doctor. Normally these women are nurses, if that even. It was very hard for African Americans to get a job due to having different colored skin. According to the article “African American jobs in the 1950s”: “women were nurses, accountants, clerks, dry cleaners, etc.”(Prezi). It was hard for these people to find and keep jobs. If a person of color was able to find a job, the income would be very low. With that being said, it would be hard to make enough money for a family to live off of. Due to the lack of money, most families have their children working to help provide for the family as well. If possible, the parents try to work more than one job to get a little extra cash. In the play, Ruth and Walter were the only ones working;
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