Essay On Pet Thermometer

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Dogs, just like humans do get sick. A dog's normal temperature is slightly higher than a humans. If your pet is healthy his temperature should be between 100 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. The only way to accurately determine if your dog has a fever is by taking his temperature using a pet thermometer. Taking a dog's temperature can be a bit tricky, especially if you have a pet that is not going to sit still. It is often best to have two people, particularly if you have never done this before. The simplest way is to get a pet ear thermometer. These are quick, fast and simple to use. However, be certain that you read all the instructions carefully before you start. You do not want to cause damage or unnecessary pain to your dog's ear. With these thermometers you simply insert the ear piece carefully into the ear cavity, wait a couple of seconds and check the results. The second way is to take your dog's temperature is rectally. You should have a designated thermometer just for the dog. For obvious reasons, it is not a good idea to use a family thermometer on your pet. However, if you have an emergency any thermometer will do. To take a dog’s temperature rectally, begin by applying petroleum jelly to the tip of the instrument. Then, gently insert the thermometer about one inch into the dog's rectum. If you are using a mercury thermometer, you will have to hold it there for at least one minute, whereas, a …show more content…

It is often best to have two people, particularly if you have never done this before. The simplest way is to get a pet ear thermometer. These are quick, fast and simple to use. However, be certain that you read all the instructions carefully before you start. You do not want to cause damage or unnecessary pain to your dog's ear. With these thermometers you simply insert the ear piece carefully into the ear cavity, wait a couple of seconds and check the

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