
Emotion In Hamlet Essay

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Emotions are said to be one of the most effective motivators of human actions. Emotions can greatly affect one’s self, especially if that emotion has a strong connection with the individual. In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, many emotion arise such as misery, anger, grief and most of all, revenge. Throughout the play, the characters act upon this theme of revenge but unfortunately for a selective few, it does not turn out in their favour. Although revenge is a critical theme in Hamlet, it is not the most competent approach to seek justice.
One of the more vital characters that show how revenge is not what it turns out to be, is Laertes. After hearing about his father’s death, Laertes is fixated on avenging Polonius by slaying his killer. This …show more content…

Soon after, his sister Ophelia is pronounced dead which only intensifies his anger towards Hamlet. Laertes bellows at Hamlet, “The devil take thy soul!”(5.1.243), uncovering that he accuses Hamlet for the passing of his dad and now sister. This drive is what prompted Laertes to collaborate with Claudius in Hamlet’s murder yet ultimately leading to his own death. This thirst for vengeance causes him to act quickly and abruptly, unintentionally getting poisoned by his own sword. Though Laertes surely illustrates how revenge can lead to one’s downfall, there is one character that proves this to be true even more so. The protagonist, Hamlet, is a key example of how seeking revenge can lead to a person’s destruction. The play revolves him and his plan to avenge his father’s death. In the play, he is visited by his father’s ghost, which proclaims, “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” (1.5.25). While already angered by his uncle and mother’s infidelity, this request causes him no trouble. Furthermore, Hamlet wants Claudius to suffer the consequences of his actions. As he witnesses the king pray out of guilt, he professes,
A villain kills my father, and for that
I, his sole son, do this same villain

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