Ambedkar Self Respect Movement Analysis

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Ambedkar was the voice of voiceless and hope of hopeless , light of those in darkness and support for those . He bought them out of clutches of untouchability, bondage of oppression and the leprosy of the caste system. He was born on 14th April he was born in a low caste family that is treated as untouchable called Mahar caste. He faced lot of difficulties in schools, colleges every where due to the caste system. Upper caste people treat lower caste people as a servants. He want to eradicate the untouchability caste system that is why he studied very hard and well .He awarded doctorate for the university of Columbia after finishing his studies he decided to flight against the caste system. …show more content…

It was a popular movement it was occurred in Tamil Nadu in 1925 . This was formed by the many social reforms. This movement is to improve the back ward classes respect . In those days Brahmin 's was the upper caste they have a demand on the lower caste people so periyar used to say that every one has their own respect they have to respect themselves. So, he started this movement that is self respect movement. Periyar did not expect anything from this movement but he wants to treat every one as human being. He wants to give their respect to them that is his main aim. The main aim of this movement is to give respect to the back ward class people. The main objectives of this movement is inclusions and dissemination on superstitions and beliefs. Abolition of social practices and to protect the women rights. Establishment and maintenance of homes for orphans and widow and opening of educational institution for them. This movement gain lots of popularity and became the political platform . Ramaswamy founded the Dravida khzagham (DK) in 1945 . In 1949 C. Annadurai founded the Dravida munnetra khazagham (DMK). This is mainly to oppress the Brahmin 's people to gain the power of their ability of lower castes in there are upper caste people that is Brahmin 's and kammas in Andhra and ligayaths in Karnataka this are the upper caste people. In this caste discrimination they included even Muslims and Christians if they are upper caste they are in this discrimination lower caste people in the low castes. They included many thing in this movement for women like child marriages and widow marriages like this ext. like this self respect movement became popular very much. In this movement periyar faced lots of problems from the congress party he is the only person who supported the movement after some days some of them started to support periyar and self respect movement. This movement

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