Essay On Corruption In The Philippines

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1. Perception of the public towards an institution based from its performance (insert ange) This part of the chapter explains perception alone and provides literatures that show the impact of the performance of an institution with the way people look at it. 1.1 PERCEPTION According to (Lindsay and Norman, 1971) perception is the process by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world in which it may affect the way a person sees or thinks about something or someone. It is also said that, when a person interprets a subject or a topic into a more meaningful term, it may also be different from reality because, perception follows four (4) stages that makes the mindset and organization of experiences …show more content…

(Coronel, 2002) posits that corruption have been traced since the Spanish colonial era, which then flourished after the World War II. Moreover, it has been argued that patronage-based political system monopolized the country. This patronage system and cronyism are two of the reasons why corruption is present in the Philippines. Coronel (2004) identified where corruption occurs and how it is classified and is said that it is present even in the public and private sectors where the government and the state are truly separated. (Coronel, 2004) said that corruption worsens income equity and poverty where instead of helping the poor and the needy, the government or the governmental institutions to be specific seek to largely contribute to services which is not even used and is not that relevant or is used by the people. Corruption also is said to damage the legitimacy and democracy of the government where citizens become suspicious towards the intentions of the authority. As (Johnston, 1997) stated, corruption begets bad politics, and bad politics begets further corruption; where politics and corruption as viewed nowadays are intertwined. Corruption is said to endanger public order and safety, where the laws are being bent and the people are not regulating the forces of the government which leads to massive riots and slow decline of governmental

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