
Examples Of Corruption In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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If someone has too much power, can that lead to that person becoming corrupt?. During the middle ages the church was corrupt and many church officials abused their power in order to steal money from the peasants. The Pardoner uses his speaking skills and church position to steal money from the poor peasants who don't know any better. Chaucer depicts the corruption among the Clergy during the Middle Ages through the Pardoner's tale. Chaucer also depicts how the Pardoner's appearance is a reflection of him. Historically, the church in the medieval ages was corrupt and money hungry. Geoffrey Chaucer depicts this corruption through The Pardoner’s Tale. Specifically, the Pardoner was a prime example of abusing the power of the church, “I preach, as you have heard me say before/And tell a hundred lyin mockeries more”(Chaucer 142). The Pardoner admits that he follows the narrative of corruption in the …show more content…

The Pardoner is corrupt and he takes advantage of people and he on not shy about admitting that. “For my exclusive purpose is to win/And not at all to castigate their sin”(Chaucer 142). The Pardoner does not care that he is corrupt. He recognizes that he has an opportunity to make some money using his church influence. The reputation of church officials in Medieval times was suspect, “The Pardoner is known for selling false relics of saints”(Thompson). The Pardoner confirms the common stereotype or corrupt church officials. In order to steal from the peasants, the Pardoner must come across as a legitimate church salesman. The Pardoner has an elaborate scheme in order to get what he wants, “First he announces that he has come from Rome, via Rouncivale. Then he displays his Papal Bull to sell pardons, with the seal of local lord in the document”(Lambdin 317). He has a very good cover story in order to steal the peasants

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