Examples Of Stereotypes In Of Mice And Men

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Not only one person will stereotype people. Every single person will judge and stereotype someone. There were lots of examples of stereotyping all throughout the book. From Candy, and Curly judging Lennie right as he met him. Those are just some of the examples of stereotypes throughout the story. Now, Stereotyping is a common thing in everyday life. So, it does make people look differently and badly at the world. Also, when people judge others it makes them feel more empowered and better. Judging,criticizing,talking bad about,making fun of, and disrespecting all people is stereotyping.
People are getting judged by the way they look and who they are. Lennie is stereotyped to be this big mean man who wants to fight. “Lennie looked sadly up to him. There was so little; he said apologetically. Id pet em and pretty …show more content…

Slim is stereotyped as the leader because he helps everyone and gets respect from everyone. “His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be politics or love” (Steinbeck 3.3.1). Slims authority shows how good of a person he is. Also, everyone looks up to him. When everyone looks up to him like that it shows what kind of a person he is, he is this bold leader that everyone follows. Curley's wife is stereotyped as a woman who gets around a lot, with other gentlemen. Therefore, Curley’s wife is a woman’s man and likes to get around. She flirts with any guy she can see with her own two eyes. “I never seen no body like her. She got the eye going, all the time on everybody” (Steinbeck 5.1.1). Curley’s wife is always looking at other guys. People stereotype Curley’s wife as the girl who always looks and flirts with other men on the ranch. The characters think that she is trying to hook up with every guy she can see, but in reality she's just lonely and wants somebody to talk too but that didn't end well for her when she talked to

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