Fire In Lord Of The Flies

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Fire has been around since the beginning of mankind; therefore, it has a lot of different meanings such as protection, hope, warmth and light. Fire is often used in writing to serve as a characters last hope for survival. In the lord of the flies the fire is used in an interesting way. The fire in the novel represents the main milestones of a Christian's journey through life.
The first milestone in the novel is the signal fire. This compares to Jesus resurrection from the grave. The signal fire represents hope and warmth knowing that the boys have a way to get saved from the island. That relates to Christianity. When Jesus rose from the grave that gave people a way to get saved and have a way out of this world. “If a ship comes by the island they might not notice us. So we must make smoke on the top of the mountain.”(chapter 2) This is like Christianity because a person is nothing without God, Like the boys on the island are nothing without the fire.
The next major milestone is the destruction fire. This fire compares to the world ending. It says in the Bible that the world will end in flames and destruction all around. The fire started small and grew out of control. That is like sin, it started small and grew out of control. “Someone laughed excitedly,”Smoke!” They had smoked him out and set the island on fire.” This compares to …show more content…

This is the trim cruiser in the distance, this compares to people's ending when Jesus comes to save us from our sins. The destruction fire was destroying the boys island, but the naval captain came just in the time. When Earth ends Jesus will be right there to save the Christians. After Ralph escaped the forest “he allowed his eyes to rest on the trim cruiser in the distance.” The trim cruiser reminds the audience of war, this relates the Christianity because everyone around will be in war but the people who get saved. So after the Christians survive the sin and and finish the race they will get to see

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