
Foreshadowing In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Ally Carter, a famous author, once said, “Death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you” (Goodreads). This quote ties to the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck because death really was the only thing that kept two close friends from separating. Of Mice and Men is centralized between the themes of hardship, friendship, and death. George and his simple-minded friend, Lennie, go through many tough situations and learn how to adjust and establish unknown outcomes. Although George did as much as he could to help Lennie along the way, in the end, there was only one final outcome. In the novel, John Steinbeck’s use of foreshadowing created a much more suspenseful atmosphere until the last flip of the page. To start, Steinbeck used many different lines to foreshadow the murder of the nameless woman, Curley’s wife. Lennie shows his strength at the beginning of the novel when he had gotten in trouble for grabbing a girl’s dress. His strength is also shown when George found out he had kept a dead mouse in …show more content…

We knew that Lennie would get into trouble from the beginning when George continuously warned Lennie to stay out of trouble. He also frequently told him to return to the brush if he ever did get into trouble. “Well, look, Lennie-if you jus’ happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right her an’ hide in the brush” (Steinbeck 15). Stenbeck also foreshadowed Lennie’s death when Candy’s dog was shot on the farm because the men thought of him as useless and unpleasant. Following this scene, Candy went to George and told him, “I ought to of shot that dog myself, George…” (Steinbeck 61). This is a use of foreshadowing because George is the one that killed Lennie in the end, rather than having one of the men on the ranch do it. If Candy had not said that to George, many would not have known the reasoning behind George ending Lennie’s

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