The night of Kristallnacht and the rising tensions between our community forced our family to flee to the french border city of Natzwiller. Our family was strong in business as we were successful in revolution and our small workshop grew into a family empire as generations of Schneider lived to keep our proud business open through the wars and the depression. This shoe factory was crucial to us as it provided us success until the night of Kristallnacht. That night, the SA and our neighbors killed our Jared and family’s business. Almost two years in the city of Natzwiller, our family grew into eighteen and a new shoe empire was building until the Nazis invaded the city.
The “Final Solution” led to placing them in ghettos in Poland. During this time, German killing squads would travel around shooting all Jews, no matter their age or gender. In 1942, the mass deportation of Jews began. Jews from all over Europe were forced to emigrate to one of the six concentration camps at the time, including Chelmno and Auschwitz-Birkenau. In its totality, the “Final Solution” was responsible for the deaths of about six million Jews.
In 1993 the beginning of the genocide of millions of Jewish people began otherwise known as the Holocaust. The Nazis plan to exterminate all Jewish people was referred to as the Final Solution. During this time period the Jewish people were discriminated against by being segregated, stripped of their identities, and being taken away from everything they own and love and forced into concentration camps. Segregation was one form of dehumanization and Jewish people were impacted by this greatly. Shown in Document #4: Discriminatory Decrees Against the Jews.
The Night Of Terror on November 9th, 1938, in cities and towns throughout Germany and Austria, Nazi soldiers broke into homes and beat jewish men and arrested them and some were killed. Everybody knows of the night of Kristallnacht , Kristallnacht was a pogrom designed by the Nazi leadership to encourage Jewish people to leave Germany and Austria. A pogrom is an organized attack against a minority group, particularly Jewish people. Nazi
They thrived, then cried, and died. They were dehumanized, and so was society. Between 1941 and 1945, the Nazis attempted to annihilate all European Jews. This systematic and planned attempt to murder European Jewry is known as the Holocaust. There were actions taken at the time to show that people were anti-Semitic; hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.
November 9-10, 1938 was known as Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass. Anti- Semitic Germans carried out this vicious attack targeting innocent people of Jewish faith. During this event, over 1000 synagogues were scorched and over 7500 Jewish run businesses were looted. The Jews were victims of the horrendous practice of scapegoating.
The Holocaust was an event that everyone knows was a terrible event in world history. To better understand the holocaust we need to know what led to Kristallnacht, what Kristallnacht was, and what happened during Kristallnacht. Herschel Grynspan was a young, Polish-Jew (Gilbert)(“Kristallnacht” Holocaust Encyclopedia). His family was expelled from their home and out of the country. His sister sent him a letter telling of the horrors she experienced.
When the Nazi Party won the election, this is when the number of SS had increased to 52,000 and their task from the start had always been to remove and eliminate racial enemies by any means, especially brute force to unify Germany under one empire, one people and one leader. As seen in source A, an image of a Nazi is depicted as destroying the home of a Jewish person on the night of broken glass, or Kristallnacht, an anti-semitic act which was the beginning of the end for all the Jewish community. On the 15th of September 1935 cruel, inhuman acts were allowed to make the elimination process for the Nazis easier due to the Nuremberg Laws which were laws in place used to ostracize and completely segregate Jews from the rest of Europe. Kristallnacht had acted as a catalyst where those who wanted to become perpetrators could do as they pleased without any legal consequences. Source B highlights the propaganda poster where it is justifying the Nuremberg laws and prohibiting interracial relationships between a Jewish person and a Non-Jewish person as it is made illegal due to
Aryanization was used by the Nazis to either help gain supporters or reward their already faithful followers. Even though there were still a lot of non-Jews who were not a part of the Holocaust, one way in which many instantly became involved was through Aryanization. In order to “de-Jew” the economy, all of the property and money owned by the Jews had to be taken. There were some moments during the Holocaust where Aryanization increased dramatically. One event was Kristallnacht.
In 1933 the Nazis led a nation wide Jewish business boycott. Many Jewish businesses were vandalized. Rocks were thrown at windows. Three years before the U.S. would join the war-1938- the beginning of the end for millions would occur. Kristallnacht or Crystal Night was when ,Germans angry because of the assassination of German Diplomat Ernst vom Rath, rioted.
"I was a body. Perhaps less than that even: a starved stomach. The stomach alone was aware of the passage of time." (Wiesel 50) This was a quote from a Holocaust survivor, Ellie Wiesel.
The Holocaust, an event in which six million people were innocently murdered. German Fuher Adolf Hitler targeted all Jewish citizens because he believed that they were a threat to the German community. He believed that Germans were superior and wanted to remove other groups of non-Aryans from existence. He decided on the final plan to solve the Jewish question in 1941 and started planning it in January of 1942. This final plan was meant to kill eleven million Jews but resulted in the murder of six million.
The Holocaust was a horrific tragedy which started in January of 1933 and ended in May of 1945, the Holocaust was the mass murder of millions of people. The word was derived from the Greek word that meant Sacrifice to the Gods (Steele 7), also called the Shoan which is the Hebrew word for catastrophe (Steele 7). So many countries took place in this 12-year genocide, including, “Germany, Italy, Japan, Romania, Hungary, and Bulgaria, which were also known as the Axis Powers” (Steele 34). But, although there were all those countries they were all part of one larger group called the Nazis, were the ones who were killing all the different denominations of people. (Bachrach 58).
The Holocaust The Holocaust was about a systematic killing and they murdered over six million jews by the nazi regime. Holocaust is a word of greek and it means “Sacrifice by fire”. The nazi’s believed that germans were “racially superior and the jews deemed “inferior”. The jews were killed by Adolf hitler and his collaborators.
The Holocaust is the deadliest recognized genocide in human history. It lasted from January 30,1933 – May 8,1945 and would result in the l1 million deaths. The causes of the Holocaust begin at the end of World War One with what Germans referred to as “the stab in the back”. This was a myth that claimed the German Army did not loose World War One but was betrayed by the Jewish population who gave up land and supplies to the Allies. As this spread anti-Semitism or hate for Jewish people grew in Germany as people viewed the Jewish population as deceptive and traitorous.