Gothicism In The Bloody Chamber

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Angela Carter’s texts vehemently attacks the stereotypical notions asserted by the culture with a sturdy intention of deconstructing the collective order of society. There is an excessive use of violence, sexual brutality, pornographic contents and exuberance of female power in Carter’s writing. Makinen addresses Carter as the “avant-garde literary terrorist of feminism” (2) for savagely attacking the cultural stereotypes which is both disturbing and alienating. Carter’s The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories is a set of re-structured fairy tales with an obtrusive purpose of altering the formula set by the traditional stories. Carter reassembles the well known fairy tales to an adult version of those tales with a feministic angle to explicate …show more content…

This article intends to study Carter’s attempt in revising the gender role and applying a different approach to the Gothic genre in The Bloody Chamber. Though a retelling of the fairy tales, The Bloody Chamber is branded as a Female Gothic text because of the dark motives and Gothic elements present in the book in association with the female sexuality. Like a conventional Gothic story, the setting of The Bloody Chamber is in a remote castle which symbolizes doom from the beginning of its description in the story. The castle is described …show more content…

He is an inhuman embodiment of sexual perversion and destructive power, ultimately a symbol of death itself…..The Bloody Chamber is a contemporary transformation of that quintessentially grotesque motif, the dance of death and the maiden, a modern, feminist transformation in which for once the maiden is victorious over death itself. In fact, it is the interpretation of death with such richly positive facets of life-wealth, beauty, youth, and sexuality- that gives the symbolism of this novella its grotesque and uncanny

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