
Hate U Give Sociology

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The movie "The Hate U Give" is a fictional movie that tackles the issue of police brutality and systemic racism in America. The movie portrays the story of a young black girl named Starr Carter who witnessed the killing of her unarmed friend by a white police officer. The movie deals with the objective conditions of police brutality, its effects on the lives of those affected, and how society views the problem. This paper will review and critique the presentation of police brutality in the movie, based on available research.

Objective Conditions of Police Brutality
Police brutality is a social problem that has existed in America for a long time. Police brutality refers to the use of excessive force by law enforcement officers …show more content…

They often attribute instances of police brutality to the actions of a few "bad apples" rather than acknowledging the systemic issues that lead to police brutality. Many white Americans believe that police officers are doing their job and should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Critique of the Depiction of Police Brutality in "The Hate U Give"
"The Hate U Give" is a compelling and emotional movie that accurately depicts the issue of police brutality in America. The movie does an excellent job of highlighting the objective conditions of police brutality and its effects on those affected. The movie portrays the fear and trauma that many African Americans experience when dealing with the police, and it shows the devastating impact that police brutality can have on families and communities.

The movie also does a good job of depicting the subjective concerns of police brutality. It shows how different segments of society view police brutality differently, and how this can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy for those affected. The movie portrays the frustration and anger that many African Americans feel towards the justice system and the police force, and it highlights the need for …show more content…

While the movie accurately portrays the problem, it does not provide clear steps for how to address the issue. The movie leaves the viewer with a sense of hopelessness, which may lead to a lack of motivation to take action.

In conclusion, "The Hate U Give" is a powerful movie that accurately portrays the issue of police brutality in America. The movie effectively highlights the objective conditions of police brutality and its effects on those affected, as well as the subjective concerns of different segments of society. While the movie does not offer clear solutions to the problem, it raises awareness of the issue and highlights the need for change. It is important for society to continue to address and work towards solutions for police brutality in order to create a more just and equitable society for all.

Goff, P. A., Lloyd, M. M., Geller, A., Raphael, S., & Glaser, J. (2016). The Science of Justice: Race, Arrests, and Police Use of Force. Journal of Social Issues, 72(4), 802-823. doi:

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