Society makes people feel as if they are obligated to be what other people want them to be, and perform what society wants them to. Examples of this dates back to the Salem Witch Trials, where over 200 people were convicted of witchcraft and 20 people were executed. There are recent cases of this happening in our society too, such as the West Memphis three cases. The West Memphis
For example, Benjamin Franklin had odd and unique habits that others did not, like sitting in a cold room without clothes. Some might think of him as an outsider but it didn’t isolate him or make him different from the others. Franklin also wore different clothes than others but it didn’t make him an outcast as it was just his way of expressing his life and feelings. Similarly to Benjamin Franklin, Encountering the Other doesn’t necessarily make the others outsiders because being an “other” doesn’t mean you're an outsider because being an outsider means being different from society, while another just differs from another ethnic or cultural group.
Although fitting in society may seem a great idea, it almost always slaughters individual identity, leading to a boring life for everyone.
In today’s society the general attitude towards an individual is conform or be an outcast. It is seen in schools where people who do not fit into specific cliques become outcasts, the weird people. It is seen in the work place as well. People have conformed to standards set by society simply because society has said to do so. Society asks people to change themselves to fit in.
It’s Not Universal Humans are social beings and, typically, we prefer to surround ourselves with similar types of people. Often times, this means excluding others and even outcasting them from society. Nearly everybody has experienced being an outsider. whether it was not knowing anyone at a new school to not having the “must have” item that everyone else seemingly had. The experience of being an outsider is not universal because the feelings associated with being outcast are circumstantial, people react differently, and people have varying degrees of introversion.
Being an outsider is a common feeling among people of all ages. Anything can make someone feel like an outsider, whether it is their age, gender, sexuality, or race. In Premila and Santha's case from
Everyone has a natural desire to fit in. Everyone has a natural desire to be accepted by others. These desires are strong enough to cause individuals to give up there uniqueness. We are all told at a young age that everyone is different and that is wonderful. However, societal norms contradict this idea.
Even though there are numerous individual opportunities and benefits for not conforming to society, internal, subconscious desires compel individuals to forego their individualism and assimilate to
‘Outsiders’ is a questionable concept and to a certain extent largely a matter of perspective. In medieval discourse ‘outsider’ status was given to those who were the binary opposite to the norm or lived in contradistinction to ones own cultural identity whether it
Yet when they are judged by people it is because of the observations those people have had which lead them to judge someone in a certain way. Outsiders are simply misunderstood. It is impossible for outsiders to be misjudged because they are clearly judged by people already who just don’t understand them. Most if not all people have felt some sort of exclusion at some point in their lives. These experiences can either lead us to be more of an extrovert or more of an introvert.
People think outsiders are weird and have no value but, hasn 't everyone been an outsider? Do you think you have value? Outsiders have value in society. For three big reasons such as, everyone(close to everyone) was a outsider once and you should think you have value, next if you go to a different state or, city your technically an outsider because your leaving the city you live in. Lastly, a lot of gifted people or, just normal people were outsiders such as, Ben Franklin, mom, dad, etc.
I was a bit of an outsider for this reason alone, but I fit in for the most part. The other kids tried pressuring me into believing this, that I was lonely that is, but when you grew up in a household practically built on roasting each other, it’s pretty easy to blow them off. Sometimes, I just wish that I could see proof of what this was, this other universe was, but as the saying goes,
An outsider is a person who does not belong in a certain party or a group. An outsider is left out from parties, groups, and even sometimes they are not allowed near a place or person. Outsiders are not cool and people do not like them or are not drawn to them. Synonyms such as the odd one out, stranger, and refugee say it all. All of these words are example of what outsiders feel like or what outsiders are.
We all need to belong somewhere. Everyone needs people to be there for them. We need to adore our lives with others, rather it is our family, friends, coworkers, or just society alone. There are a lot of traits that makes everyone unique in their own way with some of these traits people can make you seem like you’re an outsider but it’s false.
Have you ever being an outsider before? Being in outsider could be a good thing sometime and sometimes not in this book that I read the outsider were two groups of kids which were the greaser the poor kids and the socs were the rich kids. My opinion is if you were an outsider you wouldn’t want to feel lonely because in the book and some documents that I did there were differences example of people being outsiders.