
Historical Significance Of Betty Friedan To The Evolution Of Women's Rights

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What was the historical significance of Betty Friedan to the evolution of women’s rights in America in the 1960s? Women have always fought hard for their equality. Since the very first convention held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848, countless women have joined together to try and improve the standard of life for all women within the United States. In the later years of the 19th century, women gathered behind activists Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, with the hope of achieving voting rights of women under the Constitution. On August 26th, 1920, their goal was achieved with the ratification of the 19th Amendment. But the struggle did not end there. Following the successful civil rights movement in the mid 1900s, women were …show more content…

Only three years after the book was published, Friedan proved she could do more than write about the problems in society for women – she could also take action. Having attended meetings focused on the status of women within society and seeing little to no planned action being taken, Friedan knew she had to take it into her own hands. In 1966, she co-founded the National Organization for Women (NOW), serving as its first president until 1970, proving to all that she was a force for change. She encouraged women to take a bigger stand and have a bigger presence within the political world, and believed this organization would help to achieve that. Its sole purpose was to achieve equal opportunities for women in all aspects of life. It also assisted and supported women in seeking legal advice and help when they were battling workplace discrimination in court. As president, Friedan took a leading role and began multiple campaigns fighting for a number of reforms, including legalizing abortion, the right to work in any field of employment without limitations, greater presence within government, the implementation of child care facilities available for working mothers, and many others. In 1967, their first convention discussed the Equal Rights Amendment and abortion, both highly important issues. However, as abortion was a very controversial concern, NOW focused on achieving equality within the workplace and within the government. Nonetheless, Friedan knew that abortion was another topic that needed reformation, so in 1969, she helped found the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (still active today under the title of NARAL Pro-Choice

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