
How Did Descartes Contribute To The Scientific Method

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Throughout more than millennia, science was and is an integral part to the development of human knowledge of itself, the world, and the universe. With the scientific method, its genesis was crafted by the Greeks and Islamic scholars, but then enhanced once the Renaissance took place. Beginning with Aristotle who is the father of science, he used measurements and observation which is the first step to the scientific method (Shuttleworth, History of the Scientific Method, n.d.). Centuries later, with the help of Isaac Newton, the method known today was formed (Betz, 2011). The scientific method is vital to all fields of science as it is the template for knowing if something works or not.
Starting from the beginning, Aristotle began with the belief …show more content…

In the case of Galileo, he established scientific laws which shaped physics and modern science (Shuttleworth, History of the Scientific Method, n.d.). What he did was performing experiments about motion thus pioneering the next step of the scientific method: performing experiments in a quantitative manner (Betz, 2011). Descartes, who was a contemporary of Galilei, contributed much to the advancement of mathematics by inventing calculus and analytical geometry. With the overlaps and influence the already talked about scientists had on one another, it would come as no surprise the impact Descartes had on the man who figured out gravity from a mere apple falling from a tree.
Isaac Newton did more than just figure out how gravity works; he combined the previous scientists’ works into one. Published around 1686, Principia Mathematica would then impact the fields of physics as it saw the development of said scientific field (Betz, 2011). He combined what Galileo discussed in terms of physics with the geometry of Descartes. He was also the one who defined the laws of motion (Harris, 2008). Thanks to the works of Newton, he then influenced the minds of Einstein (Shuttleworth, Who Invented the Scientific Method?,

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