Epistemology Essays

  • Pharmacopornographic Epistemology

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    Deconstructing the pharmacopornographic epistemology. Miguel Ángel Ferrer Gil In this paper I want to deconstruct the concept of pharmacopornography, introduced by the Spanish philosopher Paul B. Preciado in his book Testo Junkie. To do this it seems essential to me to rescue the sovereign and biopolitical epistemologies in the work of Foucault. The emergence of the concept of pharmacopornographic power happens thanks to Preciado’s criticism to the inability of Foucault to identify new subjective

  • Empiricism Epistemology

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    Epistemology aspect of writing The word epistemology comes from the Greek words “episteme” means knowledge or understanding and “logia” means science or study. Generally, in philosophy, epistemology is the study of knowledge. It deals with the nature of knowledge. It is concerned with the following questions: how do we know things, what do we know, why we know, is what we know true, and what are the limits of knowledge? Knowledge is justified true belief. It means that the person must be able to

  • Socrates: The Development Of Epistemology

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    head: STUDY OF EPISTEMOLOGY The Development of Epistemology Done By Socrates from 470 B.C until 399 B.C in Athens Ibrahim Mohammed Hajar Antalya International University English 102 Section 4 Spring 2015 Dr.Gustavo Albear Abstract Who was Socrates and what was his relation to epistemology? Socrates was a classical Greek (Athenian) philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. Epistemology is the branch of

  • Epistemology: The Tripartite Theory Of Knowledge

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    Epistemology, the study of the theory of knowledge, is among the most important areas of philosophy. The questions that it addresses include the following: What is knowledge? The first problem encountered in epistemology is that of defining knowledge. Much of the time, philosophers use the tripartite theory of knowledge, which analyses knowledge as justified true belief, as a working model. The tripartite theory has, however, been refuted: Gettier cases show that some justified true beliefs do not

  • Epistemology Of Ignorance

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    conversation, but it is an authentic part of the lives of most people. Even so, the female orgasm is often treated like dirty laundry that should stay hidden, rather than be aired out in public. In her article, “Coming to Understand: Orgasm and the Epistemology of Ignorance,” Nancy Tuana tackles the question of how our understanding of female orgasms has developed over time. It also discusses how ignorance has guided that transformation. It is the trail While ignorance is defined by a lack of information

  • Constructivist Epistemology

    959 Words  | 4 Pages

    Researcher position: Epistemology: Constructivist epistemology will underpin this study, Crotty (1998) states that meaning is constructed out of various phenomena resulting from interaction with life experiences. Since meaning has to be constructed, the proposed study will be premised on an interpretivist approach grounded by the symbolic interactionism perspective. Symbolic interactionism gives emphasis to the social interaction process as a means by which meaning and interpretation is made, For

  • Democritus Epistemology

    765 Words  | 4 Pages

    The question of epistemology becomes difficult with Democritus in regards to his ultra-materialist stance. Knowledge is gained by observation which, although he claimed that the hard, unchanging atoms made up objects and provided the possibility for sight, was still unreliable based upon typical and non-typical observers as well as things that change, as in the sea. A way for Democritus to expound on this was that just as the atoms had their own shape and size, hence differing properties; so too

  • Examples Of Indigenous Epistemology

    1525 Words  | 7 Pages

    What is Australian Indigenous epistemology according to indigenous academic? Introduction Australia is a multicultural and diverse country with the input of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other Australian people. The Indigenous Australians, or Aborigines, are the original inhabitants of Australia who have their own cultures, customs, beliefs, knowledge and languages. The Indigenous people are the early settler of Australia, and they have distinctive perspectives on worldview, beliefs, tensions

  • Epistemology In Advertising

    2439 Words  | 10 Pages

    Section A Title Examining the influence that the television advertisement and fashion magazines have on self esteem and body image of women. Brief introduction Nowadays, the television advertisement and fashion magazines tend to advice the expectation of a perfect woman according to gender stereotyping and the media. Media images project social standard of feminine beauty, tend to homogenised women beauty in reinforcing prevail on stereotypes of stylish and fashionable women with thin and perfect

  • Black Feminist Epistemology

    1019 Words  | 5 Pages

    feminist epistemology is the study of how the knowledge that is cultivated by black feminists is or can be proved or shown to be rational. This essay will then state that Black feminists will encounter epistemologies that are either Black feminist or White male and that the process of the verification of knowledge is dominated by homogenous groups and the opinions of minorities such as Black women are often ignored due to this. The essay will show that therefore Black feminist epistemology states that

  • Social Constructivist Epistemology

    1489 Words  | 6 Pages

    theories of research paradigm mainly focus on epistemological issues in the development research arenas and critical assessment of the role of researchers (positionality/value/choice) in that process and I presents my position (i.e. constructivist epistemology) in the debate. Finally, concluding remarks will be made. As many studies have shown that development research paradigm was highly dominated by positivistic approaches (Sumner and Tribe, 2004). The trend in the research environment was characterized

  • Epistemology: A Qualitative Approach

    881 Words  | 4 Pages

    field of sociology. This is to be executed by scrutinizing the dualistic major domains of understanding and a crucial outline of the diverse research approaches employed. This will assist in creating a research topic. As per Brewer & Miller (2003), epistemology is connected to the way of experiential learning and explanation in by what means it is known and what is already known. It similarly examines how it is known what is already known with regards to the essence of communal realism. As indicated through

  • Breast Cancer Epistemology

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    Breast Cancer: What are the signs, symptoms, stages, epistemology and treatments for breast cancer? Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and it is also considered to be the second leading cause of death of cancer. Breast cancer is a very serious disease that if it is left untreated it can spread to other organs and eventually kill you. There are many women who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day but they usually do not know a lot about it in terms of how it forms and the many

  • The Pros And Cons Of Epistemology

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    Every research project provides a link between a paradigm, epistemology, theoretical perspective, and research practice. A paradigm is identified in any school of thought – the integrated worldviews held by researchers and people in general that determine how these individuals perceive and attempt to comprehend truth (Fitzpatrick, Sanders, & Worthen, 2003). Furthermore, a paradigm includes an epistemological belief as well as an ontological belief that, when combined together, govern perceptions

  • Arguments Against Reformed Epistemology

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    Reformed Epistemology is a school of thought regarding rationality of religious belief. The core of the thought is the idea that belief in god is a properly basic belief; and does not need to be derived from other truths for it to be reasonable. It is important to correctly stress what ‘basic’ truly means, a basic believe is one that is rationally held and yet not derived from other beliefs that one holds The Great Pumpkin Objection was put forward by Alvin Plantinga in 1983 and is the main criticism

  • Summary Of Sedgwick's Epistemology Of The Closet

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    Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick in her Epistemology of the Closet claims that “many of the major nodes of thought and knowledge in twentieth-century Western culture are structures—indeed, fractured—by a chronic, now endemic crisis of homo/heterosexual definition” (Sedgwick 2008, 1). Sedgwick argues that it is a crisis “indicatively male, dating from the end of the nineteenth century” (1). This is an interesting point since the male perspective is the pillar, of the Western Patriarchal model of gender role’s

  • The Kantian Appropriate In Kant's Epistemology

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    There are many questions evolving around epistemology. The more common questions ask: do we have any knowledge? If so, how? To this day there is no exact and certain answer. Everyone must have questioned at least once in their lives, that how has knowledge come to be? Many things are taught to children from a young age, schools have a curriculum to follow, but how do we know if it is right? There are over dozens of questions that can be asked. Epistemology is intriguing and very interesting because

  • Epistemology Of Conspiracy Theories Essay

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    1 Brinta Kundu June 14, 2023 Dr. Matthews Epistemology of Conspiracy Theories On November 22, 1963, the 35th president of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was assassinated by gunshots. After nearly a year after the assassination, the Warren Commission was completed and made public for anyone to read. These reports claimed that there was only one person responsible for the assassination, that person being Lee Harvey Oswald. Though not long after, many discrepancies were found to suggest

  • Type Two Epistemology In The Alchemist

    267 Words  | 2 Pages

    In The Alchemist, Santiago experiences type 2 Epistemology with his father. With his father having a predetermined fate of him in the seminary, he decides to steer off of his course and attempts to succeed the life of a shepherd. His father had placed him in a seminary in preparation of becoming a priest, yet travel has intrigued him since a child; he had wanted to know and discover land. He wanted to justify this difference of opinion; therefore, he summoned the courage to tell his father of his

  • Essay On Quine's Naturalism

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    Quine’s Naturalism Abstract: Quine thinks epistemology is contained in natural science, given that the subject of epistemological study is a physical. He claims that philosophy is continuous with natural science: “The new setting of epistemology is in psychology.” (Quine: 1969, 259).This implies that when deciding whether an observation is epistemologically prior or not, we should choose whatever is coming from sensory receptors, unlike Gestalten psychology suggested, we should not choose the one