How Does Elie Wiesel Use Compassion To Help Others

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In life everyone has been through a dark moment that they thought they could not get through but now they realized that they can get through anything that they put their mind to. What they do not realize is that they are not the only ones going through it. There is always someone else going through the same thing. You should never be ungrateful because you never know when something good may come around. Elie Wiesel was talking about compassion because he wanted to let people know how he got through the Holocaust. He was also talking about compassion because he wanted to tell people how strong people were, and how hard it was to escape the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel was also talking about compassion he wanted people to know the truth about what really happened during the Holocaust. He was talking about compassion he did not want people to be selfish with their families or their friends. Also Elie Wiesel was talking about compassion because he wanted people to know the hope he has for them and how he wanted them to survive. He was talking about compassion because he wanted to let people know that you should always have hope no matter the situation. Elie …show more content…

Also keeping someone you care about out of trouble , Then letting someone know how much you care about them. The second example is putting yourself in someone else's shoes. I say that because you never know what that other person might be going through. Always have hope in yourself and other people. Second to last is helping someone get through a hard situation, this example is very important because a lot of people do not know how to get through a hard situation so just for you being and just trying to help just lets them know that it is all going to be okay. The last example is to focus on yourself and also other people so that they know that they have a chance and to let them know that they are worth something in the

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