
Hurstwood's Perception Of The American Dream

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The American Dream was initially defined by James Truslow Adams as “a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.” Up until four months ago, I never would have questioned this definition. I was always a firm believer in American Exceptionalism, the idea that there is something particular about this country that gives every person such endless possibilities. I trusted that every individual had the freedom to pursue success, however, my time at Boston College has changed this.
Since being exposed to such a vast collection of people and their …show more content…

The American dream, we now know, is a lie.” His perception of the American Dream cannot possibly be denied after reading Hurstwood’s story. Hurstwood had everything, but the idolization of profit ruined him, just as it ruined jobs, schools, and entire communities. The American Dream may be a comfort for some, but for most it is nothing more than an unrealistic ideal, one that can ultimately cause lives to …show more content…

He is violence, but this violence is so justified in his history that it only brings me guilt. He is fear, which is so understandable it makes me fear for him. He is lack of opportunity, because America refuses to give every individual an even starting ground, even though it was founded on the principles of liberty and equality. Bigger Thomas is everything but the American Dream. This ideal is not even a hope for him, because from the moment his life began, he knew had little options. No matter how hard he works or how much initiative he shows, the world is never going to offer him success, but it will give him failure freely. As Max says, “we regulated every part of the world he touched” (Native Son, Page 402), and we still

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