Informative Speech On Superbowl

603 Words3 Pages

Liam Motey
CST 100
February 23, 2023

Informative Speech Outline

The Financial Impact of Washington DC hosting the NFL Super Bowl.

Good Evening everyone, good to see you all.

Before we begin, how many of you watched the superbowl for the football and not just for the commercials and how many people, show by hands think the traffic in DC has gotten worse

Tonight, I will speak to you about Washington DC hosting the Superbowl and its financial impacts on the city and its residents.

I will speak to from the lens of a sports fan who has visited most cities that have hosted the Super Bowl

It's no secret millions of people visit DC every year
It's also no secret that DC locals can tell who is a tourist and who is not. From how people drive. …show more content…

When NBC, ABC, CBS and all national media along with social media influencers descend on a city to report, cover and even tweet about the Super Bowl, attention and spotlight is brought to that city. The weeks leading up to the SuperBowl is filled with lots of hype and cheer that remains months and sometimes years after the event.

The clout even extends globally in some cases as hashtags and pictures are distributed and shared globally throughout social media apps like Facebook and Instagram
Influx of People leads to direct and indirect Jobs.
According to Amir Somoggi the economic impact of the Super Bowl event is huge, with amounts exceeding $600 million in direct and indirect revenues. These huge figures create jobs for people in the days leading up to the event and after. Example, more Uber drivers are driving visitors around.
The Super Bowl also exposes a city’s lack of certain infrastructure like a bigger airport, more hotels and that leads to developers building these types of infrastructure leading to direct jobs in construction as an example.

Population Growth expands the tax base and results in more tax

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