Friendship Between Men And Women Essay

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“Friendship between women is different than friendship between men. We delve deep. We go under, even if we haven’t seen each other for years.”(Davis 1). This quote from Jane Fonda gives insight as to why women establish stronger friendships than men. Because of different factors like brain design and willingness to share, women form stronger friendships than men. Men by nature are are less open about their feelings, even more so to friends. Things like this factor into why men aren’t able to create as strong of friendships as women. Women hold and maintain stronger friendships than men because they put more effort into them, women’s brains are designed differently, and women are more willing to open up to their friends. Women put more effort …show more content…

Where “men share activities, women share feelings” (Riggio 1). In other words, women talk about their feelings with their friends. Men, on the other hand, don’t feel as much as a need to talk about their feelings with friends. Men will often think of sharing feelings as a non-masculine thing to do, therefore they will avoid it. According to the article “How are Men’s Friendships Different Than Women’s?”, women’s friendships tend to be more intense than men’s. Women are more willing to open up to their friends and share their thoughts and feelings because they have stronger friendships than men. Women will open up to their friends as a sign of trust, and when they do so, they become even closer as a result. In a study done on men’s and women’s friendship patterns, studies also showed that women emphasized in areas like sharing personal problems and emotional thoughts, where men showed emphasis in doing things and sharing activities with their male friends. Women need to talk to someone about their personal problems or thoughts in general, and those things tend to be directed towards their friends. Men may not want to open up to their friends, but for women, they won’t keep something that’s bothering them to themselves when a close friend is nearby with open ears. Women are more willing to talk about their feelings than men because women tend to form stronger

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