
Jesse James Research Paper

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“My pistols, however I kept beside me.” This quote by Jesse James showed how he lived his life by always being prepared, and also it shows that his preparation involved guns. Jesse James is an iconic and historic outlaw figure that will forever remain in the history books. Jesse James is a notorious American outlaw and a post civil war gang member who robbed banks and trains and committed several murders as well. Jesse James had a difficult childhood at times that may have negatively impacted his life and caused him to turn to violence: nonetheless Jesse James left a legacy that still lives today. his life started just like any other normal person. He was born to Robert and Zerelda Cole James on Sept. 5, 1847 in Clay County, Missouri. He had …show more content…

James’ body was packed on ice and shipped back to Missouri, where he was “displayed and viewed by hundreds of friends, admirers, and curiosity seekers. Later he was buried on the family farm in a plot near the house so that Zerelda could keep an eye out for trespassers or souvenir hunters” (Weiser). Although Jesse James will not be known for achievements, he is still known for his lawless ways and way of living. “Jesse was described as generous, noble-hearted, and assertive, with a prankish charm”(Weiser). Although Jesse James didn’t receive any awards or accolades, the legend surrounding his name gave him some of the same notoriety. James was not a Robin Hood of the wild west; however, all the stories of him giving back to the poor were made up to make him look good in the public eye. John Edwards became friends with Jesse James and helped Jesse get his persona of a Robin Hood figure (Nix). There are many interesting facts about Jesse James. One fact about Jesse James is that he had stayed out of the grip of the Pinkertons. The Pinkertons were people who solved train robberies. When some of the Pinkerton agents looked for Jesse James, they ended up dead,

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