
John Proctor's Confession In The Crucible

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Many decisions in life have a reason behind them. In the story, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller there are plenty of important and tough decisions. John Proctor’s decision to destroy his confession at the end of the Crucible is one of them. The Crucible and John Proctor's decision to rip up his confession are both based on the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts 1692. Miller starts off the play focusing on young girls and a slave trying to conjure up spirits from the dead. When these young girls were caught in the woods practicing witchcraft they tried to blame it on other people and got away with all the crimes they committed. The girls point fingers started a mass blaming game on whether somebody was a witch or not. Arrests along with convictions …show more content…

He was the first man to be accused of witchcraft in Salem. When accused he was sent back to jail with Elizabeth alongside. John admitted to adultery which put him in jail in the first place. He was persuaded to confess. After thinking about how it could ruin his reputation and his kids reputations he decided to ruin the confession paper. He was eventually still hung. From Elizabeth's perspective it could be led to believe that she would have no clue why John would rip up the confession. She was told to convince John into confessing and she accomplished. She did not think John would rip up the paper. From Abigail Williams perspective she liked it because he was standing up for what was right so the court couldn't take advantage of the others accused of witchcraft. My position in this whole situation goes along with John proctor. I believe he made the right choice by ripping up his confession. If he didn't then the paper would be hung all over town and/or on the church door for every church goer to see, even his kids. If everybody saw it his kids would have the reputation that their father was possessed by the devil. I think he did his family a favor by ripping up the paper. Some of the townspeople might have wanted to see the paper hung up on the door. Also some might say he was not taking responsibility for what he might have

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