
Macbeth Essay

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Macbeth is a piece of literature that was written in the 1600s by the bard himself, William Shakespeare. Macbeth is named after it’s main character, Macbeth, and his journey to power; how he gets it and he does with it. In this book, Macbeth and his good friend, Banquo, encounters three witches who show them great prophecies of what is to come. To Macbeth, they say that he will become Thane of Cawdor and will eventually king. Banquo is told that he will be lesser than Macbeth but greater. That his line should be happier than him; “That thou shalt get kings though thou be none/ So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo! (I. iii. 69-70).” Macbeth and Banquo leave the witches to go meet the witches. A few moments later Macbeth finds out that he has become …show more content…

He sends a letter to Lady Macbeth, on his way home, stating all that has happened and how he is in line for the throne. Lady Macbeth comes up with an idea on how her husband can become king; he would have to kill King Duncan. When Macbeth arrives back to his castle called Inverness, Lady Macbeth tells him of her plan. She plans to get the men drunk at dinner so that they can be killed in their sleep and no one will have any recollection of it. In Act II Scene i, we see that Macbeth has decided to go along with the plan, “Is this a dagger which I see before me/ The handle towards my hand?/ Come, let me clutch thee!/ I have the not/ and yet I see thee still/ Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible/ To feeling as to sight/ or art thou but/ A dagger of the mind, a false creation/ proceeding from the heat/ oppressed brain?/ I see thee yet/ in form as palpable/ As this which now I draw (II. i. 41-49)” In this scene Macbeth is waiting for the signal to kill the men and still full of fear he sees an imaginary dagger that summons him. It draws him in and creates a delusion that he is going to use this dagger to kill the king. At the end of this vision he hears the signal, that no one else can hear because they are all passed out drunk, “I go and it is done/ The bell invites me/ Hear it not, Duncan/ for it is knell/ That summons thee to heaven or hell (II. i. 70-72).” Macbeth takes the bold …show more content…

She is trying her best to get rid of the fears that would happen to women, which we see in Act II Scene ii. “That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold/ What hath quench’d them hath given me fire/ Hark!/ Peace!/ It was the owl that shriek’d, the fatal bellman/ Which gives the stern’st good-night/ He is about it/ The doors are open, and the surfeited grooms/ Do not mock their charge with snores/ I have drugged their possets/ That death and nature do contend about them/ Whether they live or die (II.ii.1-9).” She is saying that the wine that the men got drunk on has given her a new found courage. A few moments later Macbeth comes back with the bloody daggers after murdering Duncan and his guards. Lady Macbeth uses her new found courage to bring the daggers back and cover the men 's faces with their blood. The crime scene is also staged to look like the guards killed Duncan and then

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