
Julius Caesar Pathos

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In William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Brutus and Antony both used different techniques in order to capture the audience's attention and approval in their speeches about Caesar's death. They both include repetition, rhetorical strategies, dramatic pauses, and parallelism in order to get the crowd on their sides. Both men use different strategies by knowing the audience and they use this to their advantage. Brutus and Antony both choose the use of Pathos and Ethos specifically appeal to the audience and their love for their country. Brutus chooses to use Pathos in a way that forces the people to think about the love of freedom and their country. He uses the mention of slavery and being controlled to get to the emotions of the listeners. …show more content…

He uses pathos in more of a way to create fear and hostility among the people of Rome. He makes arguments against Brutus and his reasoning. Antony uses proof to show that what Brutus was saying was incorrect about Caesar being ambitious. In order to instill this fear within the crowd he starts off by saying, "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones." By saying this he is saying that people will only remember the bad of Caesar, but not the good that he had in him. The people will begin to fear what will live on from Caesar's death. As the people are showing anger towards Brutus, Antony continues on with his speech saying, "When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept; Ambition should be made of sterner stuff. Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; and Brutus is an honorable man." He points out that Caesar constantly felt bad for those who were struggling in his country. He wanted to take care of the people. By saying all this he tries to point out why Brutus was wrong with saying the reason he killed Caesar was because he was ambitious. As Antony speaks, he continues to repeat the line that "Brutus was an honorable man." He does this so that the crowd will catch onto his sarcasm. Brutus only allowed Antony to come speak if he would only say good things about Brutus, so Antony decides to use repetition and sarcasm as well as a way to engage the

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