Economic Situation In Kenya Essay

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Chapter 2
This chapter centred on the economic situation in Kenya as higher growth rate when it comes to microeconomic stability and credible policies. The company try to determine and understand the economic ideas by analysing how effective will be the company to increase the investment, decrease the poverty and improving shared success.
Kenya has one of the opened for investments in the world, and has a lot of dilemma that the country is facing off. The company put up a business in Kenya for us to help Kenyatta people to lessen poverty, enjoy and experience the things which they deserve to have better life. And promote telecommunication and improve its stability to reach and help the investors in terms of communication in a fastest ways.
Kenya’s economic is still progressing at a supported rate to strong household consumption and investment. The government encourage all investors, private capital and foreign capital to contribute to the promotion, development and improving the infrastructures, and making Kenya most attractive tourist destination. Kenya wants to create a powerful purchasing house hold and to increase the source of income of Kenyatta people.
The company also help the Kenyatta to have an active plan to emphasis fastest connection with regards of …show more content…

The group of dollar millionaires was the one highlighting the huge inequality between the rich and the poor. Two-third of Kenya’s $50 billion economy is controlled by a tiny group of super wealthy individuals. A diminutive group of 105 of these super affluent Kenyans own about fifth of the country’s gross domestic product, which each of them lying claim about $93 million in averaged. Each of Kenyan’s 42 million citizens would earn $2,158 annually were total income distributed equipollent, but that is unlikely to transpire any time as soon as the opulent perpetuate to get richer, spreading the gap between them and the

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