Life Of Galileo Themes

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The play Life of Galileo written by Bertolt Brecht in the 20th century comprises of the ideas of conflict that occurs based on the beliefs of a society and an individual. However, giving us the insightful on the struggles and complexities an individual goes through to prove something which might be against society, making sure to defend himself when needed. As we move along we notice that Brecht’s play has been divided into scenes. Every scene has its title which gives us an idea as to what would be talked about in the specific scene. Scene 4 of the play is titled “Galileo exchanged the Venetian Republic for the court of Florence. His discoveries with the telescope aren’t believed by the court scholars”. The title itself tells us that Galileo …show more content…

The central conflict revolves around Galileo, his discovery and the teaching of the church. Furthermore, Brecht’s life of Galileo has precise setting and stage direction. He uses no unnecessary props and is exact in its setting. Only characters that relevant to the scene are shown other than that the stage stays empty. As the scenes change the related props are placed in front of the audience giving them the props in the scenes hold a symbolic value. In scene 1 as the guest s arrive the telescope is kept on a high level showing the high status of science over humans. In the scene overall, Galileo persistently tries to convince them to take a look through the telescope, the men didn’t budge a bit and remained firm on the belief about earth that they refused every time he tried to prove them with scientific proof. This scene also makes us realize the conflict that’s taking place between the men and Galileo as political conflict. The men are seen to be more convinced by the traditional notes than on what they could actually see through their

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